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U.S. State Codes
Title 34. Civil Law and Pro...
Article 46. Privileged Comm...
Chapter 2. Statutes Outside
Chapter 2. Statutes Outside
34-46-2-1. Listing of other privileges; effect of listing
34-46-2-2. Mediators
34-46-2-3. Mediation
34-46-2-4. Chemical tests
34-46-2-5. Adult protective services
34-46-2-6. Environmental audit reports
34-46-2-7. Coal exploration trade secrets
34-46-2-8. Cause of death
34-46-2-9. Reports of communicable diseases
34-46-2-10. Warnings of communicable diseases
34-46-2-11. Expert review panels for health care workers
34-46-2-11.4. Local child fatality review teams
34-46-2-11.5. Statewide child fatality review committee
34-46-2-11.6. Local fetal-infant mortality review teams
34-46-2-11.7. Members of the statewide maternal mortality review committee or individuals attending a committee meeting
34-46-2-12. School psychologists
34-46-2-13. School counselors
34-46-2-14. Student alcohol and drug violations
34-46-2-15. Department of workforce development information
34-46-2-16. Professional corporation or employees
34-46-2-17. Quality review committee for accounting firm
34-46-2-18. Accountants
34-46-2-19. Impaired nurses
34-46-2-20. Social workers or counselors
34-46-2-21. Impaired pharmacists
34-46-2-22. Prescription records
34-46-2-23. Psychologists
34-46-2-23.5. Employee assistance professional
34-46-2-24. Repealed
34-46-2-25. Records of insurers
34-46-2-26. Child abuse and neglect proceedings
34-46-2-27. Repealed
34-46-2-28. Uniform Interstate Family Support Act; spousal communications
34-46-2-28.5. Communications made to a mental health evaluator
34-46-2-29. Commission on judicial qualifications
34-46-2-30. Commission on judicial qualifications
34-46-2-30.4. Commission on judicial qualifications for St. Joseph Superior Court
34-46-2-31. Victim and victim's counselor
34-46-2-32. Obstruction of justice