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U.S. State Codes
Title 33. Courts and Court ...
Article 28. Circuit Courts
Chapter 1. Jurisdiction, Duties, and Powers
Chapter 1. Jurisdiction, Duties, and Powers
33-28-1-1. Place of holding court; name of court
33-28-1-2. Jurisdiction
33-28-1-3. Recognizances
33-28-1-4. Form of process
33-28-1-5. Process; judgments; sentences; orders and injunctions; commissions for examination of witnesses; oaths; contempt
33-28-1-6. Subject matter in two or more counties
33-28-1-7. Seal of court
33-28-1-8. Clerk's private seal
33-28-1-9. Failure of judge to attend court
33-28-1-10. Sheriff or coroner absent or incapacitated; appointment of elisor
33-28-1-11. Oath, bond, and authority of elisor