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U.S. State Codes
Title 31. Family Law and Ju...
Article 37. Juvenile Law: D...
Chapter 5. Child Taken Into Custody
Chapter 5. Child Taken Into Custody
31-37-5-1. Application of chapter
31-37-5-2. Taking child to designated place pending detention hearing
31-37-5-3. Release or detention of child taken into custody without court order
31-37-5-4. Detention at designated place; notice
31-37-5-5. Investigation, release, or detention by intake officer of child taken into custody without court order
31-37-5-6. Detention hearing
31-37-5-7. Suspension of child's driving privileges; reinstatement; probationary privileges; removal from record
31-37-5-8. Juvenile court submission of proposed service, program, or placement to department; approval or disapproval by department; emergencies; entry of order by juvenile court; appeal by department