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U.S. State Codes
Title 31. Family Law and Ju...
Article 17. Family Law: Cus...
Chapter 2. Actions for Child Custody and Modifi...
Chapter 2. Actions for Child Custody and Modification of Child Custody Orders
31-17-2-1. Jurisdiction
31-17-2-2. Application of Indiana Rules of Civil Procedure
31-17-2-3. Commencement of proceeding
31-17-2-4. Repealed
31-17-2-5. Responsive pleading or counter petition
31-17-2-6. Hearing
31-17-2-7. Court to determine law and facts
31-17-2-8. Custody order
31-17-2-8.3. Supervised parenting time; conviction of crime involving domestic or family violence; batterer's intervention program
31-17-2-8.5. Consideration of de facto custodian factors
31-17-2-9. Court interview of child in chambers
31-17-2-10. Professional personnel; court consultation; cross-examination
31-17-2-11. Temporary custodian
31-17-2-12. Investigation and report concerning custodial arrangements for child
31-17-2-13. Joint legal custody; finding required for award
31-17-2-14. Joint legal custody; division of physical custody
31-17-2-15. Joint legal custody; matters considered in making award
31-17-2-16. Counseling for child
31-17-2-17. Custodian may determine child's upbringing
31-17-2-18. Continuing supervision
31-17-2-19. Travel and other expenses of witnesses
31-17-2-20. Confidentiality of interview, report, or investigation
31-17-2-21. Modification of child custody order
31-17-2-21.1. Delegation of parenting time during deployment; automatically terminates upon return
31-17-2-21.2. Military duties; expedited hearing; allow evidence by electronic means
31-17-2-21.3. Parent's active duty service not a factor; temporary modification of custody
31-17-2-21.5. Security, bond, or guarantee
31-17-2-21.7. Security, bond, or guarantee; determinations
31-17-2-21.8. Parenting time; drug testing
31-17-2-22. Custodial parent's violation of injunction or temporary restraining order considered in custody modification
31-17-2-23. Repealed
31-17-2-24. Notice of passport application for child
31-17-2-25. Petition for emergency placement with person other than noncustodial parent; hearing
31-17-2-26. Submissions to the court; court requests for information