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U.S. State Codes
Title 3. Elections
Article 7. Voter Registration
Chapter 36. Special Registration Procedures for...
Chapter 36. Special Registration Procedures for Military Voters and Overseas Voters
3-7-36-1. Applicability of chapter
3-7-36-2. Signatures in presence of person authorized to administer oath not required
3-7-36-3. Additional signatures not required; false statements
3-7-36-4. Person designated to sign
3-7-36-5. Delivery of affidavit to voter after receipt of application; effectiveness of registration
3-7-36-6. Procedures upon receipt of application for absentee ballot
3-7-36-7. Duties of election division when receiving application
3-7-36-8. Transmission of absentee ballot application upon receipt of request for application
3-7-36-9. Clerk to forward application to board of registration; recording information; transmission of absentee ballot application
3-7-36-10. Processing of affidavit or form
3-7-36-11. Repealed
3-7-36-12. Repealed
3-7-36-13. Repealed
3-7-36-14. Registration of absent uniformed services voters beginning after ninth day before election