3-11-8-25.1. Admittance of voter to polls; procedure; proof of identification; challenge of voter; cancellation and reregistration of voter who has moved

IN Code § 3-11-8-25.1 (2019) (N/A)
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Sec. 25.1. (a) Except as provided in subsection (e), a voter who desires to vote an official ballot at an election shall provide proof of identification.

(b) Except as provided in subsection (e), before the voter proceeds to vote in the election, a precinct election officer shall ask the voter to provide proof of identification. One (1) of each of the precinct election officers nominated by each county chairman of a major political party of the county under IC 3-6-6-8 or IC 3-6-6-9 is entitled to ask the voter to provide proof of identification. The voter shall produce the proof of identification to each precinct officer requesting the proof of identification before being permitted to sign the poll list.

(c) If:

(1) the voter is unable or declines to present the proof of identification; or

(2) a member of the precinct election board determines that the proof of identification provided by the voter does not qualify as proof of identification under IC 3-5-2-40.5;

a member of the precinct election board shall challenge the voter as prescribed by this chapter.

(d) If the voter executes a challenged voter's affidavit under section 22.1 of this chapter, the voter shall:

(1) sign the poll list; and

(2) receive a provisional ballot.

(e) A voter who votes in person at a precinct polling place, vote center, or satellite office established under IC 3-11-10-26.3 that is located at a state licensed care facility where the voter resides is not required to provide proof of identification before voting in an election.

(f) After a voter has passed the challengers or has been sworn in, the voter shall be instructed by a member of the precinct election board to proceed to the location where the poll clerks are stationed. In a vote center county using an electronic poll list, two (2) election officers who are not members of the same political party must be present when a voter signs in on the electronic poll list. The voter shall announce the voter's name to the poll clerks or assistant poll clerks. A poll clerk, an assistant poll clerk, or a member of the precinct election board shall require the voter to write the following on the poll list or to provide the following information for entry into the electronic poll list:

(1) The voter's name.

(2) Except as provided in subsection (k), the voter's current residence address.

(g) The poll clerk, an assistant poll clerk, or a member of the precinct election board shall:

(1) ask the voter to provide or update the voter's voter identification number;

(2) tell the voter the number the voter may use as a voter identification number; and

(3) explain to the voter that the voter is not required to provide or update a voter identification number at the polls.

(h) The poll clerk, an assistant poll clerk, or a member of the precinct election board shall ask the voter to provide proof of identification.

(i) In case of doubt concerning a voter's identity, the precinct election board shall compare the voter's signature with the signature on the voter's registration record provided by the county voter registration office under IC 3-7-29. If the board determines that the voter's signature is authentic, the voter may then vote. If either poll clerk doubts the voter's identity following comparison of the signatures, the poll clerk shall challenge the voter in the manner prescribed by section 21 of this chapter.

(j) If:

(1) the poll clerk does not execute a challenger's affidavit; or

(2) the voter executes a challenged voter's affidavit under section 22.1 of this chapter or executed the affidavit before signing the poll list;

the voter may then vote.

(k) The electronic poll book (or each line on a poll list sheet provided to take a voter's current address) must include a box under the heading "Address Unchanged". A voter whose address is unchanged shall check the box instead of writing the voter's current address on the poll list, or if an electronic poll book is used, the poll clerk shall check the box after stating to the voter the address shown on the electronic poll book and receiving an oral affirmation from the voter that the voter's residence address shown on the poll list is the voter's current residence address instead of writing the voter's current residence address on the poll list or reentering the address in the electronic poll book.

(l) If the voter indicates that the voter's current residence is located within another county in Indiana, the voter is considered to have directed the county voter registration office of the county where the precinct is located to cancel the voter registration record within the county. The precinct election board shall provide the voter with a voter registration application for the voter to complete and file with the county voter registration office of the county where the voter's current residence address is located.

(m) If the voter indicates that the voter's current residence is located outside Indiana, the voter is considered to have directed the county voter registration office of the county where the precinct is located to cancel the voter registration record within the county.

As added by P.L.209-2003, SEC.135. Amended by P.L.2-2004, SEC.3; P.L.109-2005, SEC.4; P.L.164-2006, SEC.100; P.L.53-2009, SEC.2; P.L.219-2013, SEC.45; P.L.55-2014, SEC.4; P.L.64-2014, SEC.49; P.L.76-2014, SEC.37; P.L.109-2015, SEC.1; P.L.169-2015, SEC.115; P.L.74-2017, SEC.51; P.L.157-2019, SEC.18.