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U.S. State Codes
Title 3. Elections
Article 11. Voting Methods,...
Chapter 8. Voting Procedures Generally
Chapter 8. Voting Procedures Generally
3-11-8-0.1. Effect of certain amendments to chapter
3-11-8-1. Application of chapter
3-11-8-1.2. "Facility" and "accessible facility"; facility standards
3-11-8-2. Voting in precinct of residence
3-11-8-3. County executive secures voting polls; accessible facility; inapplicability to vote center counties
3-11-8-3.1. Designation of polls
3-11-8-3.2. Polls; notice of location; change of location; entry of location into computerized system
3-11-8-3.4. County applications to Secretary of Health and Human Services to make polling places accessible and provide information to voters with disabilities
3-11-8-4. Public buildings to be available for holding election
3-11-8-4.1. Location of polls; one place per precinct; inapplicability to vote center counties
3-11-8-4.2. Repealed
3-11-8-4.3. Location of polls in adjoining precinct
3-11-8-5. Election not to be held in room where alcoholic beverages kept or sold
3-11-8-6. Location of polls in accessible and secure facility
3-11-8-6.3. Polls may not be located in facility in which polls or chute contain a display visible to voter of political preference, party allegiance, or pictures, photographs, or other likeness of currently elected official
3-11-8-6.5. Repealed
3-11-8-7. Preparation of polls for election
3-11-8-7.5. Electronic poll books; seals
3-11-8-8. Times for polls to be open; county election board or board of elections and registration may not extend hours
3-11-8-9. Proclamation of opening and closing of polls; recording of number of individuals waiting to vote at certain times
3-11-8-10. Precinct record to be made by poll clerks; contents
3-11-8-10.3. Electronic poll book; requirements; county election board responsible for care and custody of electronic poll books when not in use
3-11-8-10.4. Requirements not applicable to counties that have adopted limited electronic poll book use
3-11-8-10.5. Recording name of voters who sign poll list; requirements
3-11-8-11. Closing of polls; persons permitted to vote; extension of voting hours by order; provisional ballots
3-11-8-11.3. Repealed
3-11-8-12. No adjournment or recess after opening of polls until closed
3-11-8-13. Restrictions on inspector, judge, or poll clerk of precinct after closing of polls
3-11-8-14. Reading of
3-11-8-15. Persons permitted at polls during elections; simulated elections
3-11-8-16. Only voters permitted near entrance to the polls
3-11-8-17. Number of voters to be admitted to polls at one time; inapplicability to vote center counties
3-11-8-17.5. Use of electronic devices by voters in the polls; prohibitions
3-11-8-18. Voter may not converse or communicate in a loud or disruptive manner
3-11-8-18.5. Voter use of lists to aid voting; prohibition on electioneering
3-11-8-19. Approach and entry to chute; announcement of voter's name to challengers
3-11-8-20. Challenge of voter; reduction of challenge to affidavit form
3-11-8-21. Challenge of voter; challenger's affidavit
3-11-8-22. Repealed
3-11-8-22.1. Challenge of voter; provisional ballot
3-11-8-23. Challenge of voter; challenged voter's affidavit; when affidavit not required
3-11-8-23.5. Challenged voter casting provisional ballot; affidavit
3-11-8-24. Repealed
3-11-8-25. Repealed
3-11-8-25.1. Admittance of voter to polls; procedure; proof of identification; challenge of voter; cancellation and reregistration of voter who has moved
3-11-8-25.2. Additional documentation before voting; procedure; use of provisional ballot without documentation
3-11-8-25.3. Voter has moved to new address within same precinct; transfer of voter's registration
3-11-8-25.5. Voter who leaves poll without casting ballot or after casting provisional ballot
3-11-8-25.7. Procedure for voting by member of the military or public safety officer called to duty while waiting to vote
3-11-8-26. Repealed
3-11-8-26.1. Procedure for voter who cannot sign name and address or who has disability related difficulty
3-11-8-27. Challenge of voter by precinct election board member
3-11-8-27.5. Challenged voter entitled to cast provisional ballot
3-11-8-28. Repealed
3-11-8-29. Poll list; precinct election board's copy
3-11-8-30. Poll list; return to circuit court clerk; preservation
3-11-8-31. Repealed
3-11-8-32. Repealed
3-11-8-33. Repealed