Sec. 12.5. (a) This section applies only in a county containing a consolidated city.
(b) Notwithstanding section 12(b) of this chapter and subject to subsection (c), absentee ballot envelopes may be opened by machine instead of by the absentee ballot counters. For purposes of certification of voting systems under this article, a machine, the only function of which is the opening of envelopes, is not considered to be a voting system or part of a voting system.
(c) After making the applicable findings under section 12(b) of this chapter, the absentee ballot counters shall take out each ballot enclosed in an envelope opened under subsection (b) without unfolding or permitting a ballot to be unfolded or examined. The absentee ballots shall then continue to be processed as provided under section 12 and other applicable provisions of this chapter.
As added by P.L.278-2019, SEC.125.