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U.S. State Codes
Title 28. Financial Institu...
Article 1. Department of Fi...
Chapter 7.5. Formation of Certain Bank Holding ...
Chapter 7.5. Formation of Certain Bank Holding Companies
28-1-7.5-1. "Holding company" defined
28-1-7.5-2. Acquisition of bank, trust company, corporate fiduciary, or stock savings bank by holding company under plan of exchange
28-1-7.5-3. Resolutions approving plan of exchange; contents; direction for submission to vote of shareholders
28-1-7.5-4. Filing plan of exchange and statement disclosing required information with department
28-1-7.5-5. Public hearing; requisites; procedures
28-1-7.5-6. Approval or disapproval of plan of exchange by department; order; findings of fact; judicial review
28-1-7.5-7. Submission of plan of exchange to shareholders; procedures; voting rights; approval; abandonment
28-1-7.5-8. Dissenting shareholders; demand for payment of value of shares; withdrawal of demand; determination of value; procedures; limitations
28-1-7.5-9. Articles of exchange; requisites; filing; certificate of exchange; issuance; effectiveness of plan
28-1-7.5-10. Plan of exchange; consummation by operation of law; effect
28-1-7.5-11. Redemption by holding company of its outstanding common stock
28-1-7.5-12. Separate and distinct corporations; effect upon liability
28-1-7.5-13. Exemption from requirements of
28-1-7.5-14. Acquisition under other lawful procedures unaffected
28-1-7.5-15. Limitations of