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U.S. State Codes
Title 28. Financial Institu...
Article 1. Department of Fi...
Chapter 18.2. Examination of Affiliates
Chapter 18.2. Examination of Affiliates
28-1-18.2-1. "Affiliate" defined; scope of term
28-1-18.2-1.1. "Company" defined
28-1-18.2-1.2. "Subsidiary" defined
28-1-18.2-1.3. Control over another company; fiduciary ownership or control of shares
28-1-18.2-2. Statement of financial condition; requirements; extension of time; additional statements; penalty for failure to furnish statement
28-1-18.2-3. Examination; report on failure to comply with department's recommendations or suggestions
28-1-18.2-4. Powers of department; assessment of expenses; penalty for refusal to permit examination
28-1-18.2-5. Applicability of certain provisions of Federal Reserve Act and regulations; violations