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U.S. State Codes
Title 25. Professions and O...
Article 8. Beauty Culture
Chapter 3. State Board of Cosmetology and Barbe...
Chapter 3. State Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners
25-8-3-1. Establishment
25-8-3-2. Members; appointment
25-8-3-3. Repealed
25-8-3-4. Repealed
25-8-3-5. Board membership qualifications
25-8-3-6. Board member political affiliation
25-8-3-7. Term of office
25-8-3-8. Removal
25-8-3-9. Repealed
25-8-3-10. Election of officers
25-8-3-11. Officers; terms of office
25-8-3-12. Officers; vacancy
25-8-3-13. Quorum
25-8-3-14. Business office
25-8-3-15. Seal
25-8-3-16. Records
25-8-3-17. Per diem and incurred expenses
25-8-3-18. Disposition of receipts
25-8-3-19. Receipts; deposit
25-8-3-20. Repository of receipts
25-8-3-21. Administration expenses
25-8-3-22. Implementing rules
25-8-3-23. Rules prescribing sanitary requirements, establishing standards, implementing licensing system, and establishing requirements for mobile salons
25-8-3-24. Enforcement personnel; compensation
25-8-3-25. Repealed
25-8-3-26. Sanitary rules given to licensees
25-8-3-27. Posting sanitary requirement rules in salon or school
25-8-3-28. Inspections
25-8-3-29. Equal treatment for persons with criminal records
25-8-3-30. Civil penalties; investigations; state board of cosmetology and barber examiners compliance fund