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U.S. State Codes
Title 25. Professions and O...
Article 37. Transient Merch...
Chapter 1. Regulation of Transient Merchants by...
Chapter 1. Regulation of Transient Merchants by Local Governmental Units
25-37-1-1. Short title
25-37-1-2. "Transient merchant" defined
25-37-1-3. Necessity for license
25-37-1-4. Application for license; attached statements
25-37-1-5. Surety bond; agent for service of process; action upon bond
25-37-1-5.5. Reduction and waiver of surety bond
25-37-1-6. License fee
25-37-1-6.5. Reduction and waiver of license fee
25-37-1-7. Issuance of license; transferability; use and validity of license; record of licenses
25-37-1-8. Inventory of goods sold
25-37-1-9. Violations
25-37-1-10. Exceptions
25-37-1-11. Municipal authority over transient merchants
25-37-1-12. Use and disposition of receipts
25-37-1-13. Temporary association or partnership
25-37-1-14. Veterans; license fees; counties having consolidated cities
25-37-1-15. Holders of registered retail merchant's certificates