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U.S. State Codes
Title 25. Professions and O...
Article 27. Physical Therap...
Chapter 1. Regulation of Physical Therapists
Chapter 1. Regulation of Physical Therapists
25-27-1-1. Definitions
25-27-1-2. Unlawful practices
25-27-1-2.5. Evaluations and treatment without referral; exceptions; testing certification
25-27-1-3. Repealed
25-27-1-3.1. Practice of certain occupations or professions and first aid not prohibited
25-27-1-3.3. Exempt persons
25-27-1-3.5. Sharp debridement referral
25-27-1-4. Indiana board of physical therapy
25-27-1-5. Determination of qualifications; administration of examinations; standards for competent practice
25-27-1-6. Evidence of qualification
25-27-1-6.1. Requirements for physical therapist license
25-27-1-6.2. Requirements for physical therapist educated outside of the United States
25-27-1-6.3. Requirements for physical therapist assistant certificate
25-27-1-6.4. Requirements for physical therapist assistant educated outside of the United States
25-27-1-7. Examination; reexamination; examination security
25-27-1-8. Issuance of license; renewal; reinstatement; temporary nonrenewable permit; retirement from practice
25-27-1-9. Foreign applicants; license or certificate by endorsement; fee
25-27-1-10. Repealed
25-27-1-10.1. Repealed
25-27-1-11. Refund of fees
25-27-1-12. Violation of chapter; penalties
25-27-1-13. Physical therapist duties; supervision
25-27-1-14. Documentation and billing
25-27-1-15. Physical therapy plan of care
25-27-1-16. Standards of practice
25-27-1-17. Confidentiality; exceptions
25-27-1-18. License and certificate display and verification
25-27-1-19. Transfer of rules, duties, and records