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U.S. State Codes
Title 22. Labor and Safety
Article 9.5. Indiana Fair H...
Chapter 6. Administrative Enforcement
Chapter 6. Administrative Enforcement
22-9.5-6-1. Investigation of alleged discriminatory practices; complaints; requirements; time limitations; procedures
22-9.5-6-2. Answer; time limitation; requirements
22-9.5-6-3. Complaints referred and subject matter jurisdiction deferred by federal government; investigation by commission; time limitations
22-9.5-6-4. Respondents joined by commission; notice; information required
22-9.5-6-5. Conciliation; provisions of agreement; disclosure; use of information as evidence; parties' access to information
22-9.5-6-6. Civil action filed by commission; injunction; effect on administrative proceedings
22-9.5-6-7. Final investigative report; contents; amendments
22-9.5-6-8. Reasonable cause; determination; time limitation; delay notification; issuance of finding
22-9.5-6-9. Finding of reasonable cause; requirements; copies of finding sent to parties; time limitation
22-9.5-6-10. Dismissal of complaint; public disclosure
22-9.5-6-11. Civil action commenced by aggrieved party; issuance of finding of reasonable cause restricted
22-9.5-6-12. Election to have claims decided in civil action; time limitation; notice
22-9.5-6-13. Timely election; filing of civil action by commission; time limitation; intervention in action by aggrieved person; relief
22-9.5-6-14. Hearings; procedure; discontinuance
22-9.5-6-15. Determination at hearing that respondent has or is about to engage in discriminatory practice; relief; civil penalties; previous violation
22-9.5-6-16. Effect of order on prior transactions
22-9.5-6-17. Discriminatory practice in course of business subject to licensing or regulation by governmental agency; copies of findings and order to agency; recommendation of discipline
22-9.5-6-18. Previous violation by respondent in preceding five years; copy of orders to attorney general