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U.S. State Codes
Title 22. Labor and Safety
Article 4. Unemployment Com...
Chapter 2. Definitions
Chapter 2. Definitions
22-4-2-1. Benefits
22-4-2-2. Partial benefits
22-4-2-3. Repealed
22-4-2-3.5. Commissioner
22-4-2-4. Contributions
22-4-2-5. Repealed
22-4-2-6. State
22-4-2-7. Employment office
22-4-2-8. Employment and training services administration fund
22-4-2-9. Fund
22-4-2-10. Special employment and training services fund
22-4-2-11. Department
22-4-2-12. Base period
22-4-2-12.5. Base period; persons receiving worker's compensation 52 weeks or less
22-4-2-13. Calendar quarter
22-4-2-14. Week
22-4-2-15. Weekly benefit amount
22-4-2-16. Annual payroll
22-4-2-17. Computation date
22-4-2-17.5. Determination date
22-4-2-18. Balance
22-4-2-19. Agency
22-4-2-20. Jurisdiction
22-4-2-21. Benefit period
22-4-2-22. Valid claim
22-4-2-23. New claim
22-4-2-24. Additional claim
22-4-2-25. Insured worker
22-4-2-26. Insured work
22-4-2-27. Repealed
22-4-2-28. Repealed
22-4-2-29. Insured unemployment
22-4-2-30. Hospital
22-4-2-31. Eligible postsecondary educational institution
22-4-2-32. Payment in lieu of contributions
22-4-2-33. New work
22-4-2-34. Extended benefit period; "on" and "off" indicators; additional definitions
22-4-2-35. Credit reserve ratio
22-4-2-36. Debit reserve ratio
22-4-2-37. School
22-4-2-38. Review board
22-4-2-39. Liability administrative law judge
22-4-2-40. Repealed