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U.S. State Codes
Title 20. Education
Article 33. Students: Gener...
Chapter 8.5. Court Assisted Resolution of Suspe...
Chapter 8.5. Court Assisted Resolution of Suspension and Expulsion Cases
20-33-8.5-1. Applicability
20-33-8.5-2. Agreement between superintendent and court having juvenile jurisdiction
20-33-8.5-3. Agreement; court's responsibilities
20-33-8.5-4. Agreement; school corporation's responsibilities
20-33-8.5-5. Agreement; payment of expenses
20-33-8.5-6. Informal hearing before court
20-33-8.5-7. Hearing not a determination of whether student is child in need of services
20-33-8.5-8. Presence of parent or guardian at hearing
20-33-8.5-9. Appearance of student not to be used in subsequent court proceedings
20-33-8.5-10. Expungement of court record
20-33-8.5-11. Student with disability; procedural requirements
20-33-8.5-12. Child not deprived of due process rights