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U.S. State Codes
Title 20. Education
Article 26. School Corporat...
Chapter 9. School Breakfast and Lunch Programs
Chapter 9. School Breakfast and Lunch Programs
20-26-9-1. "Participating school corporation"
20-26-9-2. "Qualifying school building"
20-26-9-3. "School"
20-26-9-4. "School board"
20-26-9-5. "School breakfast program"
20-26-9-6. "School lunch program"
20-26-9-7. Authority of state superintendent to accept and disburse federal aid for school lunch programs
20-26-9-8. Establishment and operation of school lunch programs
20-26-9-9. Sponsoring agencies for school lunch program; appointment
20-26-9-10. Accounts and records; inspection, audits, and administrative reviews
20-26-9-11. Studies to improve school lunch programs and promote nutritional education
20-26-9-12. Authority to operate school kitchens and lunchrooms; appropriations; state aid contingent on federal aid
20-26-9-13. Implementation of school breakfast program
20-26-9-14. Compliance with national school breakfast program participation requirements
20-26-9-15. Assistance of department
20-26-9-16. Department to monitor programs and maintain records
20-26-9-17. Department to establish guidelines
20-26-9-18. School health advisory councils
20-26-9-18.5. Food and beverage nutritional requirements
20-26-9-19. Repealed