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U.S. State Codes
Title 2. General Assembly
Article 7. Lobbyists
Chapter 5. Prohibitions
Chapter 5. Prohibitions
2-7-5-1. Legislative persons; compensation for engaging in lobbying
2-7-5-2. Full-time public officials and employees; compensation
2-7-5-3. State central committee of political party; compensation
2-7-5-4. Former members of general assembly; presence during legislative session
2-7-5-5. Contingent fees
2-7-5-6. Persons forbidden to register
2-7-5-7. Members of general assembly after 2011; registration as lobbyist prohibited for 365 days after individual ceases to be member
2-7-5-7.1. Expired
2-7-5-8. Lobbyist may not make certain gifts to legislative person without consent of legislative person; exception
2-7-5-9. Lobbyist may not pay for or reimburse for legislative person's travel expenses outside Indiana; exceptions
2-7-5-10. Lobbyist conflict of interest; lobbyist must file with commission written statement for resolution of conflicts; statement must be included in contract between lobbyist and client; lobbyist may not represent client when there is a conflict of interest; exceptions