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U.S. State Codes
Title 16. Health
Article 41. Public Health M...
Chapter 35. Radiation: Radiation Control
Chapter 35. Radiation: Radiation Control
16-41-35-1. Public policy
16-41-35-2. Repealed
16-41-35-3. Repealed
16-41-35-4. Repealed
16-41-35-5. Electronic products
16-41-35-6. Repealed
16-41-35-7. Repealed
16-41-35-8. Radiation
16-41-35-9. Radiation machine
16-41-35-10. Radioactive material
16-41-35-11. Repealed
16-41-35-12. Repealed
16-41-35-13. Repealed
16-41-35-14. Unnecessary radiation
16-41-35-15. Repealed
16-41-35-16. Repealed
16-41-35-17. Repealed
16-41-35-18. Repealed
16-41-35-19. Repealed
16-41-35-20. Repealed
16-41-35-21. Repealed
16-41-35-22. Repealed
16-41-35-23. Repealed
16-41-35-24. Repealed
16-41-35-25. Inspections and investigations; assistance
16-41-35-26. Registration of person that produces radiation or uses or disposes of radiation machines
16-41-35-27. Repealed
16-41-35-28. Production, transportation, use, and disposition rules
16-41-35-29. Radiation machines; operation; licenses; inspection; penalty
16-41-35-30. Mammography rules
16-41-35-31. Design and shielding plans and specifications
16-41-35-32. Radiation hazard and protection knowledge acquisition and dissemination
16-41-35-33. Prohibition against nonconforming production, use, storage, sale, or disposal
16-41-35-34. Footwear fitting devices using radiation prohibited
16-41-35-35. Authorized exposure to radiation
16-41-35-36. Cooperation of state health department with other entities; acceptance and administration of funds
16-41-35-37. Approval of local ordinances and resolutions
16-41-35-38. Application of laws
16-41-35-39. Repealed
16-41-35-40. Violations
16-41-35-41. Enforcement
16-41-35-42. Civil penalties and orders of compliance