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U.S. State Codes
Title 13. Environment
Article 18. Water Pollution...
Chapter 27. Erosion and Sediment Control in Con...
Chapter 27. Erosion and Sediment Control in Construction Projects
13-18-27-1. "327 IAC 15-5"
13-18-27-2. "Construction activities"
13-18-27-3. "Construction plan"
13-18-27-4. "Erosion"
13-18-27-5. "Erosion and sediment control measure"
13-18-27-6. "General permit"
13-18-27-7. "Large construction activity site"
13-18-27-8. "MS4 community"
13-18-27-9. "Project site owner"
13-18-27-10. "Review authority"
13-18-27-11. "Sedimentation"
13-18-27-12. "Small construction activity site"
13-18-27-13. "Trained individual"
13-18-27-14. "Very small construction activity site"
13-18-27-15. Restriction on MS4 community's erosion and sediment control measures
13-18-27-16. Time limit for review authority's preliminary determination of whether construction plan is substantially complete
13-18-27-17. Trained individual to make or supervise making of determination concerning construction plan
13-18-27-18. Limitation on authority of MS4 community to order construction project to stop
13-18-27-19. General permit must be consistent with this chapter