Chapter IV - Admission, Transfer, And Discharge Procedures For The Persons With Developmental Disabilities

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(405 ILCS 5/Ch. IV heading)

(405 ILCS 5/Ch. IV Art. I heading)

(405 ILCS 5/4-100) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-100) Sec. 4-100. The circuit court has jurisdiction under this Chapter over persons not charged with a felony who meet the standard for judicial admission. Inmates of penal institutions shall not be considered as charged with a felony within the meaning of this Chapter. Court proceedings under Article VI of this Chapter may be instituted as to any such inmate at any time within 90 days prior to discharge of such inmate by expiration of sentence or otherwise, and if such inmate is found to meet the standard for judicial admission, the order of the court ordering hospitalization or other disposition shall become effective at the time of discharge of the inmate from penal custody. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-101) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-101) Sec. 4-101. The State's Attorneys of the several counties shall represent the people of the State of Illinois in court proceedings under this Chapter in their respective counties, shall attend such proceedings either in person or by assistant, and shall ensure that petitions, reports and orders are properly prepared. Nothing herein contained shall prevent any party from being represented by his own counsel. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/Ch. IV Art. II heading)

(405 ILCS 5/4-200) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-200) Sec. 4-200. (a) A person with a developmental disability may be admitted to a facility for residential and habilitation services only as provided in this Chapter, except that a person may be transferred by the Department of Corrections pursuant to the Unified Code of Corrections, as now or hereafter amended. A person transferred by the Department of Corrections in this manner may be released only as provided in the Unified Code of Corrections. (b) Persons shall be admitted to Department facilities based on an assessment of their current individual needs and not solely on the basis of inclusion in a particular diagnostic category, identification by subaverage intelligence test score, or consideration of a past history of hospitalization or residential placement. (c) In all cases, the Department shall provide services to persons identified as having a developmental disability in the least restrictive environment as required by subsection (a) of Section 2-102 of this Code. (d) Except as provided in Article VI of this Chapter, nothing in this Chapter shall govern or prohibit the admission of a person with a developmental disability to nonresidential services. (Source: P.A. 88-380; 89-439, eff. 6-1-96.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-201) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-201) Sec. 4-201. (a) A person with an intellectual disability shall not reside in a Department mental health facility unless the person is evaluated and is determined to be a person with mental illness and the facility director determines that appropriate treatment and habilitation are available and will be provided to such person on the unit. In all such cases the Department mental health facility director shall certify in writing within 30 days of the completion of the evaluation and every 30 days thereafter, that the person has been appropriately evaluated, that services specified in the treatment and habilitation plan are being provided, that the setting in which services are being provided is appropriate to the person's needs, and that provision of such services fully complies with all applicable federal statutes and regulations concerning the provision of services to persons with a developmental disability. Those regulations shall include, but not be limited to the regulations which govern the provision of services to persons with a developmental disability in facilities certified under the Social Security Act for federal financial participation, whether or not the facility or portion thereof in which the recipient has been placed is presently certified under the Social Security Act or would be eligible for such certification under applicable federal regulations. The certifications shall be filed in the recipient's record and with the office of the Secretary of the Department. A copy of the certification shall be given to the person, an attorney or advocate who is representing the person and the person's guardian. (b) Any person admitted to a Department mental health facility who is reasonably suspected of having a mild or moderate intellectual disability, including those who also have a mental illness, shall be evaluated by a multidisciplinary team which includes a qualified intellectual disabilities professional designated by the Department facility director. The evaluation shall be consistent with Section 4-300 of Article III in this Chapter, and shall include: (1) a written assessment of whether the person needs a habilitation plan and, if so, (2) a written habilitation plan consistent with Section 4-309, and (3) a written determination whether the admitting facility is capable of providing the specified habilitation services. This evaluation shall occur within a reasonable period of time, but in no case shall that period exceed 14 days after admission. In all events, a treatment plan shall be prepared for the person within 3 days of admission, and reviewed and updated every 30 days, consistent with Section 3-209 of this Code. (c) Any person admitted to a Department mental health facility with an admitting diagnosis of a severe or profound intellectual disability shall be transferred to an appropriate facility or unit for persons with a developmental disability within 72 hours of admission unless transfer is contraindicated by the person's medical condition documented by appropriate medical personnel. Any person diagnosed with a severe or profound intellectual disability while in a Department mental health facility shall be transferred to an appropriate facility or unit for persons with a developmental disability within 72 hours of such diagnosis unless transfer is contraindicated by the person's medical condition documented by appropriate medical personnel. (d) The Secretary of the Department shall designate a qualified intellectual disabilities professional in each of its mental health facilities who has responsibility for insuring compliance with the provisions of Sections 4-201 and 4-201.1. (Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-201.1) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-201.1) Sec. 4-201.1. (a) A person residing in a Department mental health facility who is evaluated as having a mild or moderate intellectual disability, an attorney or advocate representing the person, or a guardian of such person may object to the Department facility director's certification required in Section 4-201, the treatment and habilitation plan, or appropriateness of setting, and obtain an administrative decision requiring revision of a treatment or habilitation plan or change of setting, by utilization review as provided in Sections 3-207 and 4-209 of this Code. As part of this utilization review, the Committee shall include as one of its members a qualified intellectual disabilities professional. (b) The mental health facility director shall give written notice to each person evaluated as having a mild or moderate intellectual disability, the person's attorney and guardian, if any, or in the case of a minor, to his or her attorney, to the parent, guardian or person in loco parentis and to the minor if 12 years of age or older, of the person's right to request a review of the facility director's initial or subsequent determination that such person is appropriately placed or is receiving appropriate services. The notice shall also provide the address and phone number of the Legal Advocacy Service of the Guardianship and Advocacy Commission, which the person or guardian can contact for legal assistance. If requested, the facility director shall assist the person or guardian in contacting the Legal Advocacy Service. This notice shall be given within 24 hours of Department's evaluation that the person has a mild or moderate intellectual disability. (c) Any recipient of services who successfully challenges a final decision of the Secretary of the Department (or his or her designee) reviewing an objection to the certification required under Section 4-201, the treatment and habilitation plan, or the appropriateness of the setting shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees incurred in that challenge, unless the Department's position was substantially justified. (Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-202) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-202) Sec. 4-202. The Department shall prescribe all forms necessary for proceedings under this Chapter, and all forms used in such proceedings shall comply substantially with the forms so prescribed. The Department shall publish all forms in electronic format and post the forms to its website. (Source: P.A. 97-752, eff. 7-6-12.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-203) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-203) Sec. 4-203. (a) Every developmental disabilities facility shall maintain adequate records which shall include the Section of this Act under which the client was admitted, any subsequent change in the client's status, and requisite documentation for such admission and status. (b) The Department shall ensure that a monthly report is maintained for each Department mental health facility, and each unit of a Department developmental disability facility for dually diagnosed persons, which lists (1) initials of persons admitted to, residing at, or discharged from a Department mental health facility or unit for dually diagnosed persons of Department developmental disability facility during that month with a primary or secondary diagnosis of intellectual disability, (2) the date and facility and unit of admission or continuing, care, (3) the legal admission status, (4) the recipient's diagnosis, (5) the date and facility and unit of transfer or discharge, (6) whether or not there is a public or private guardian, (7) whether the facility director has certified that appropriate treatment and habilitation are available for and being provided to such person pursuant to Section 4-203 of this Chapter, and (8) whether the person or a guardian has requested review as provided in Section 4-209 of this Chapter and, if so, the outcome of the review. The Secretary of the Department shall furnish a copy of each monthly report upon request to the Guardianship and Advocacy Commission and the agency designated by the Governor under Section 1 of "An Act in relation to the protection and advocacy of the rights of persons with developmental disabilities, and amending certain Acts therein named", approved September 20, 1985, and under Section 1 of "An Act for the protection and advocacy of mentally ill persons", approved September 20, 1987. (c) Nothing contained in this Chapter shall be construed to limit or otherwise affect the power of any developmental disabilities facility to determine the qualifications of persons permitted to admit clients to such facility. This subsection shall not affect or limit the powers of any court to order admission to a developmental disabilities facility as set forth in this Chapter. (Source: P.A. 97-227, eff. 1-1-12.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-204) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-204) Sec. 4-204. Every petition, certificate, and proof of service required by this Chapter shall be executed under penalty of perjury as though under oath or affirmation, but no acknowledgement is required. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-205) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-205) Sec. 4-205. Whenever a statement or explanation is required to be given to the persons specified in Section 4-206, every effort shall be made to furnish such statement or explanation in a comprehensible language and in a manner calculated to ensure understanding. Such statement or explanation shall be communicated in sign language for any hearing impaired person for whom sign language is a primary mode of communication. When a statement or explanation is provided in a language other than English, or through the use of sign language, that fact and the name of the person providing it shall be noted in the client's record. This Section does not apply to copies of petitions and court orders. (Source: P.A. 82-205.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-206) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-206) Sec. 4-206. Unless otherwise indicated, whenever notice is required under this Chapter, it shall be given pursuant to this Section. If a client is under 18 years of age, notice shall be given to his parent, guardian or person in loco parentis. If the client is 18 years of age or older, notice shall be given to the client, his guardian, if any, and any 2 other persons whom the client may designate. If the client is 18 or older but lacks sufficient capacity to understand and consent to the designation of persons to receive notice, notice shall also be sent to his nearest adult relative. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-207) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-207) Sec. 4-207. (a) Six months prior to the eighteenth birthday of a client who is resident in a facility, the client shall be evaluated by the facility to determine whether he has the capacity to consent to administrative admission. If the client does not have such capacity or otherwise requires a guardian, his parent or another interested person shall be so notified and requested to file a petition for the appointment of a guardian. If no petition is filed, the facility director of the facility shall file such a petition. (b) Six months prior to the eighteenth birthday of a client who is receiving nonresidential services provided by or under contract with the Department, the client's parent or another interested person shall be notified by the facility providing the services or by the Department of the possible need and procedures for the appointment of a guardian. If such person so requests, the client shall be evaluated by the facility or the Department for the purpose of determining whether he requires a guardian and a report of the evaluation shall be provided to such person. If the report indicates that the client requires a guardian but no petition is filed by the time the client reaches 18, the facility or the Department shall file such a petition. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-208) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-208) Sec. 4-208. Whenever a person is admitted, is denied admission, or objects to admission to a facility and whenever a client is notified that he is to be transferred or discharged or that his legal status is to be changed, the facility director of the facility shall provide the persons specified in Section 4-206 with the address and phone number of the Guardianship and Advocacy Commission. If any person so notified requests, the facility director shall assist him in contacting the Commission. (Source: P.A. 85-1247.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-209) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-209) Sec. 4-209. (a) Hearings under Sections 4-201.1, 4-312, 4-704 and 4-709 of this Chapter shall be conducted by a utilization review committee. The Secretary shall appoint a utilization review committee at each Department facility. Each such committee shall consist of multi-disciplinary professional staff members who are trained and equipped to deal with the habilitation needs of clients. At least one member of the committee shall be a qualified intellectual disabilities professional. The client and the objector may be represented by persons of their choice. (b) The utilization review committee shall not be bound by rules of evidence or procedure but shall conduct the proceedings in a manner intended to ensure a fair hearing. The committee may make such investigation as it deems necessary. It may administer oaths and compel by subpoena testimony and the production of records. A stenographic or audio recording of the proceedings shall be made and shall be kept in the client's record. Within 3 days of conclusion of the hearing, the committee shall submit to the facility director its written recommendations which include its factual findings and conclusions. A copy of the recommendations shall be given to the client and the objector. (c) Within 7 days of receipt of the recommendations, the facility director shall give written notice to the client and objector of his acceptance or rejection of the recommendations and his reason therefor. If the facility director rejects the recommendations or if the client or objector requests review of the facility director's decision, the facility director shall promptly forward a copy of his decision, the recommendations, and the record of the hearing to the Secretary of the Department for final review. The review of the facility director's decision shall be decided by the Secretary or his or her designee within 30 days of the receipt of a request for final review. The decision of the facility director, or the decision of the Secretary (or his or her designee) if review was requested, shall be considered a final administrative decision, and shall be subject to review under and in accordance with Article III of the Code of Civil Procedure. The decision of the facility director, or the decision of the Secretary (or his or her designee) if review was requested, shall be considered a final administrative decision. (Source: P.A. 97-227, eff. 1-1-12.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-210) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-210) Sec. 4-210. Whenever a petition has been executed pursuant to Sections 4-401 or 4-501, and prior to the examination for the purpose of certification, the person conducting this examination shall inform the person being examined in a simple comprehensible manner: that he is entitled to consult with a relative, friend, or attorney before the examination and that an attorney will be appointed for him if he desires; that he will be evaluated to determine if he meets the standard for judicial or emergency admission; that he does not have to talk to the examiner; and that any statement made by him may be disclosed at a court hearing on the issue of whether he meets the standard for judicial admission. If the respondent is not so informed, the examiner shall not be permitted to testify at any subsequent court hearing concerning the respondent's admission. (Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-211) (This Section may contain text from a Public Act with a delayed effective date)Sec. 4-211. Sex education for persons admitted to a developmental disability facility and receiving habilitation. In this Section, "healthy sexual practices" means a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being in relation to sexuality. A person admitted to a developmental disability facility and receiving habilitation shall have access to sex education, related resources, and treatment planning that supports his or her right to sexual health and healthy sexual practices and to be free from sexual exploitation and abuse. The person receiving habilitation shall be assessed:(1) on whether he or she has decision making capacity

to give consent to sexual activity; and

(2) for developmentally appropriate sex education

materials and resources.

As part of the assessments, consideration shall be given to medical, psychological, and psycho-social evaluations. The person's decision making capacity to consent to sexual activity and the developmentally appropriate sex education materials and resources shall be determined by the treatment team that includes the individual, professionals who have knowledge of the individual, and the individual's guardian, if appointed. Guardian decision making shall be made in accordance with the court order of appointment and the standards of decision making established by Section 11a-17 of the Probate Act of 1975. The Department shall approve course material in sex education. Course material and instruction in sex education shall:(A) be appropriate to the developmental disability of

the recipient;

(B) present identity as a part of mature adulthood;(C) replicate evidence-based programs or

substantially incorporate elements of evidence-based programs;

(D) place substantial emphasis on the prevention of

pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections and diseases and shall stress that abstinence is the ensured method of avoiding unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections and diseases, including HIV/AIDS;

(E) include a discussion of the possible emotional

and psychological consequences of sexual intercourse and the consequences of unwanted pregnancy;

(F) stress that sexually transmitted infections and

diseases are serious possible health hazards of unwanted pregnancy;

(G) provide information on the use or effectiveness

of condoms in preventing pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, and other sexually transmitted infections and diseases;

(H) teach recipients to avoid behavior that could be

interpreted as unwanted sexual advances, and how to reject unwanted sexual advances; and

(I) explain signs of possible dangers from potential


The Department may not withhold approval of materials that otherwise meet the criteria specified in this Section on the basis that they include or refer to a religious or faith based perspective. (Source: P.A. 101-506, eff. 1-1-20.)

(405 ILCS 5/Ch. IV Art. III heading)

(405 ILCS 5/4-300) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-300) Sec. 4-300. (a) No person may be administratively admitted to any facility including Chester Mental Health Center, unless an adequate diagnostic evaluation of his current condition has been conducted to determine his suitability for admission. Prior to an administrative admission, the person may be admitted to a facility for not more than 14 days for such evaluation. (b) The evaluation shall include current psychological, physical, neurological, social, educational or vocational, and developmental evaluations. It shall be conducted under the supervision of qualified professionals including at least one physician and either one clinical psychologist or one clinical social worker. Any tests which require language familiarity shall be conducted in the person's primary language. (Source: P.A. 89-439, eff. 6-1-96.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-301) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-301) Sec. 4-301. Report and recommendation. (a) A report of the evaluation results shall include a description of the person's disability and need for services, if any; a description of the methods of evaluation used; an evaluation of the ability of the family to meet the needs of the person and a recommendation as to the supportive services the family may need; a recommendation as to the least restrictive living arrangement appropriate for the person; and the names and positions of the persons who conducted the evaluations. (b) The report shall be signed by at least one clinical psychologist or clinical social worker and one physician who have personally examined the person to be admitted. If the report does not recommend admission to a residential facility or to the facility to which admission is sought, a written explanation of the reasons therefor shall be included. A summary of the report shall be given to the person who executed the application. (Source: P.A. 87-530.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-302) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-302) Sec. 4-302. A person with a developmental disability may be administratively admitted to a facility upon application if the facility director of the facility determines that he is suitable for admission. A person 18 years of age or older, if he has the capacity, or his guardian, if he is authorized by the guardianship order of the Circuit Court, may execute an application for administrative admission. Application may be executed for a person under 18 years of age by his parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis. (Source: P.A. 88-380.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-303) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-303) Sec. 4-303. (a) The application shall include the name and address of the person to be admitted; the name and address of his spouse, nearest adult relative, and guardian, or if none, friend; the name and address of the person executing the application and his relationship to the person to be admitted; and a short statement explaining the reason for the application. (b) The application form shall contain in large type and simple language the substance of Sections 4-302, 4-305, 4-306 and 4-700. The rights set forth in the application shall be explained to the person to be admitted if he is 12 or older and to the person who executed the application. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-304) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-304) Sec. 4-304. A person may be admitted pursuant to the recommendation of the diagnostic report. At the time of admission, a clear written statement and oral explanation of the procedures for discharge, transfer and objection to admission shall be given to the person if he is 12 years of age or older and to the person who executed the application. Within 3 days of the admission, notice of the admission and an explanation of the objection procedure shall be sent or given to the persons specified in Section 4-206. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-305) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-305) Sec. 4-305. (a) Any interested person on behalf of a client or a client himself if he is 12 years of age or older may object to an administrative, diagnostic or temporary admission under this Article. An objection may be made at any time following the admission, but once an objection has been heard, no subsequent objection may be made for 6 months without leave of the court. (b) An objection shall be submitted in writing to the facility director of the facility. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-306) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-306) Sec. 4-306. (a) A client 18 years of age or over, who is not under guardianship, shall be allowed to be discharged from the facility at the earliest appropriate time, not to exceed 5 days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, after he submits a written objection to the facility director, unless he either withdraws the objection in writing or unless within the 5 day period a petition and certificate conforming to the requirements of Section 4-501 are filed with the court. Upon receipt of the petition, the court shall order a hearing to be held within 5 days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and to be conducted pursuant to Article VI of this Chapter. Admission of the client may continue pending further order of the court. In all other objections to admission under this Article, paragraph (b) of this Section and Sections 4-307 and 4-308 shall apply. (b) Unless the objection is withdrawn in writing or the client is discharged, the facility director shall file a petition for review of the admission with the court within 5 days of submission of the objection, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays as provided in Sections 4-307 and 4-308. The facility director shall also file the report of the client's diagnostic evaluation and current habilitation plan with the court. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-307) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-307) Sec. 4-307. Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall set a hearing to be held within 5 days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The court shall direct that notice of the time and place of the hearing be served upon the client, his attorney, the objector, the person who executed the application, and the facility director of the facility. The hearing shall be conducted pursuant to Article VI of this Chapter. (Source: P.A. 86-820.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-308) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-308) Sec. 4-308. (a) If the court finds that the client is not a person with a developmental disability, that he is not in need of the services which are available at the facility, or that a less restrictive alternative is appropriate, it shall disapprove the admission and order the client discharged. If the client is in a Department facility and the court finds that he or she is a person with a developmental disability but that he is not in need of the services which are available at the facility or that a less restrictive alternative is appropriate, the court may order him transferred to a more appropriate Department facility. If the person who executed the application for admission objects to the transfer, the court shall order the client discharged. (b) Unless the court orders the discharge or transfer of the client, the facility may continue to provide the client with residential and habilitation services. (c) Unwillingness or inability of the client's parent, guardian or person in loco parentis to provide for his care or residence shall not be grounds for the court's refusing to order discharge. In that event, a petition may be filed under the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 or the Probate Act of 1975, approved August 7, 1975, as now or hereafter amended, to ensure that appropriate care and residence are provided. (Source: P.A. 88-380.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-309) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-309) Sec. 4-309. Habilitation plan. (a) Within 14 days of admission, the facility shall prepare a written habilitation plan consistent with the client's diagnosis and needs. The Department shall fully implement habilitation plans. Every reasonable effort shall be made to involve the client and his family in the preparation and implementation of the plans. (b) The habilitation plan shall describe the habilitation goals; a projected timetable for their attainment; the services to be provided; the role of the family in the implementation of the plan; and the name of the person responsible for supervising the habilitation plan. (c) The habilitation plan shall be reviewed regularly, but at least once every calendar month, by the person responsible for its supervision. They shall be modified when necessary. The client and the persons specified in Section 4-206 shall be informed regularly of the client's progress. (Source: P.A. 89-439, eff. 6-1-96.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-309.1) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-309.1) Sec. 4-309.1. Habilitation and incentives. In accordance with Departmental powers and duties, facilities may offer incentives, including cash, to residents in connection with their habilitation plan. (Source: P.A. 89-439, eff. 6-1-96.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-309.2) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-309.2) Sec. 4-309.2. Habilitation; incentives; disbursements. The Department may advance monies from its appropriations to facility directors for disbursement to residents in accordance with Section 4-309.1. The facility directors may maintain these monies in a locally held account prior to disbursements. (Source: P.A. 89-439, eff. 6-1-96.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-310) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-310) Sec. 4-310. At least once annually the client shall be evaluated to determine his need for continued residential services. If need for continued residence is indicated, the facility director of the facility shall consult with the person who made application for the admission and shall request authorization for continued residence of the client. The request and authorization shall be noted in the client's record. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-311) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-311) Sec. 4-311. (a) A person with a developmental disability may be temporarily admitted to a facility for respite care intended for the benefit of the parent or guardian, or in the event of a crisis, care where immediate temporary residential services are necessary, upon application by a person empowered to make application for administrative admission, if the facility director determines that the individual is suitable for temporary admission. The application shall describe the person's developmental disability and shall conform with the provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 4-301. (b) A temporary admission may continue for not more than 30 days. A client admitted on a temporary basis shall be provided with such services as are determined by mutual agreement between the facility director, the client, and the person executing the application. (c) Upon temporary admission, a clear written statement and oral explanation of the objection procedure shall be given to the client if he is 12 years of age or older. Within 3 days of a temporary admission, notice of the admission and an explanation of the objection procedure shall be sent to the persons specified in Section 4-206. An objection to temporary admission may be made and heard in the same manner as an objection to administrative admission. (Source: P.A. 88-380.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-312) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-312) Sec. 4-312. (a) If the facility director of a Department facility declines to admit a person seeking administrative or temporary admission under this Article, a review of the denial may be requested by the person who executed the application for admission or by the attorney or guardian of the person with a developmental disability. Whenever admission to a Department facility is denied, the person seeking admission shall immediately be given written notice of the right to request review of the denial under this Section. A written request for review shall be submitted to the facility director of the facility to which admission is sought within 14 days of the denial. Upon receipt of the request, the facility director shall promptly schedule a hearing to be held at the facility within 7 days pursuant to Section 4-209. (b) At the hearing the Department shall have the burden of proving that the person denied admission does not meet the standard for administrative admission. If the utilization review committee finds that the decision denying admission is based upon substantial evidence, it shall recommend that the denial of admission be upheld. However, if it finds that the facility to which admission is sought can provide adequate and appropriate habilitation for the person, it shall recommend that the person denied admission be admitted. If it determines that another facility can provide habilitation appropriate to the condition and needs of the person denied admission, it may recommend that the Department or other agency assist the person in obtaining such appropriate habilitation. (Source: P.A. 88-380.)

(405 ILCS 5/Ch. IV Art. IV heading)

(405 ILCS 5/4-400) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-400) Sec. 4-400. (a) A person 18 years of age or older may be admitted on an emergency basis to a facility under this Article if the facility director of the facility determines: (1) that he is a person with an intellectual disability; (2) that he is reasonably expected to inflict serious physical harm upon himself or another in the near future; and (3) that immediate admission is necessary to prevent such harm. (b) Persons with a developmental disability under 18 years of age and persons with a developmental disability 18 years of age or over who are under guardianship or who are seeking admission on their own behalf may be admitted for emergency care under Section 4-311. (Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-401) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-401) Sec. 4-401. A petition for emergency admission may be submitted to the facility director of a facility by any interested person 18 years of age or older. The petition shall include a detailed statement of the basis for the assertion that the respondent meets the criteria of Section 4-400 including a description of any act or significant threat supporting the assertion; the name and address of the spouse, parent, guardian, and close relative or, if none, any known friend of the respondent; a statement of the petitioner's relationship to the respondent and interest in the matter; the name, address and phone number of any witness by which the facts asserted may be proved. The petition may be prepared by the facility director of a facility. (Source: P.A. 81-1509.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-402) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-402) Sec. 4-402. Examination; certificate. (a) No person may be detained at a facility for more than 24 hours pending admission under this Article unless within that time a clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, or physician examines the respondent and certifies that he meets the standard for emergency admission. (b) The certificate shall contain the examiner's observations, other factual information relied upon, and a statement as to whether the respondent was advised of his rights under Section 4-503. If no certificate is executed, the respondent shall be released immediately. (Source: P.A. 87-530.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-403) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-403) Sec. 4-403. Upon receipt of a petition and certificate prepared pursuant to this Article, a peace officer shall take a respondent into custody and transport him to a developmental disabilities facility. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-404) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-404) Sec. 4-404. A peace officer may take a person into custody and transport him to a facility when, as a result of his personal observation, the peace officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the person meets the standard for emergency admission. Upon arrival at the facility, the peace officer shall complete a petition for emergency admission. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-405) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-405) Sec. 4-405. When, as a result of personal observation and testimony in open court, any court has reasonable grounds to believe that a person appearing before it meets the standard for emergency admission, the court may enter an order for the temporary detention and examination of such person. The order shall set forth in detail the facts which are the basis for the court's conclusion. The court may order a peace officer to take the person into custody and transport him to a facility. The person may be detained for examination for no more than 24 hours. If a petition and certificate, as provided in this Article, are executed within the 24 hours, the person may be admitted and the provisions of this Article shall apply. If no petition or certificate is executed, the person shall be released. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-406) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-406) Sec. 4-406. Within 12 hours after admission, the respondent shall be given a copy of the petition and an explanation of his hearing rights under Article VI of this Chapter. Within 24 hours after admission, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, a copy of the petition shall be given personally or mailed to the persons specified in Section 4-206. The respondent shall be allowed to complete no fewer than 2 telephone calls at the time of his admission to such persons as he chooses. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-407) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-407) Sec. 4-407. (a) Within 24 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, after the respondent's admission under this Article, the facility director of the facility shall file with the court 2 copies of the petition and certificate and proof of service of the petition and the explanation of rights. (b) Upon admission under this Article, the respondent shall be evaluated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b) of Section 4-300. A report of the evaluation prepared pursuant to Section 4-301 shall be filed with the court not more than 7 days after the admission. Upon receipt of the report, the court shall set a hearing pursuant to Section 4-505 to determine whether the respondent meets the standard for judicial admission. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-408) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-408) Sec. 4-408. A respondent admitted on an emergency basis shall receive habilitation appropriate to his condition. However, the respondent shall be informed of his right to refuse medication and if he refuses, medication shall not be given unless it is necessary to prevent the respondent from causing serious harm to himself or others. The facility shall record what habilitation is given to the respondent together with the reasons therefor. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/Ch. IV Art. V heading)

(405 ILCS 5/4-500) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-500) Sec. 4-500. A person 18 years of age or older may be admitted to a facility upon court order under this Article if the court determines: (1) that he is a person with an intellectual disability; and (2) that he is reasonably expected to inflict serious physical harm upon himself or another in the near future. (Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-501) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-501) Sec. 4-501. Petition; certificate. (a) Any person 18 years of age or older may file a petition with the court asserting that the respondent meets the standard for judicial admission as set out in Section 4-500. The petition shall be prepared according to the form specified in Section 4-401. The court may inquire of the petitioner whether there are reasonable grounds to believe that the facts presented in the petition are true and whether the respondent meets the standard for judicial admission. (b) The petition may be accompanied by the certificate of a clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, or physician indicating that the respondent was examined not more than 72 hours prior to the filing of the petition and certifying that he meets the standard for judicial admission. The certificate shall also set out the examiner's observations, other factual information relied upon, and a statement as to whether the respondent was advised of his rights under Section 4-210. (Source: P.A. 87-530.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-502) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-502) Sec. 4-502. Orders; examination; setting for hearing. (a) When no certificate is filed with the petition, if the court finds that the petition is in order and that there is a valid reason why no certificate has been filed, it may make any orders as are necessary to provide for an examination of the respondent by a clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, or physician. If, as a result of the examination, a certificate is executed, the certificate shall be promptly filed with the court. (b) When a certificate is filed with the petition or is filed pursuant to this Section, if the court finds that the documents are in order, it may make any orders as are necessary to provide for a diagnostic evaluation of the respondent pursuant to paragraph (b) of Section 4-300 of this Chapter. (c) Upon receipt of the diagnostic report prepared pursuant to Section 4-301, the court shall set the matter for hearing pursuant to Section 4-505. (Source: P.A. 87-530.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-503) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-503) Sec. 4-503. A copy of the petition, any order for examination or evaluation, and a statement of the respondent's hearing rights under Article VI of this Chapter shall be personally served upon the respondent and shall be given or mailed to the persons specified in Section 4-206 at least 24 hours before the court ordered examination or evaluation. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-504) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-504) Sec. 4-504. The respondent shall be permitted to remain in his place of residence pending any examination for certification or diagnostic evaluation. He may be accompanied by one or more of his relatives or friends or by his attorney to the place of examination. If, however, the court finds that it is necessary in order to complete the examination the court may order that the person be admitted to a developmental disabilities facility pending examination and may order a peace officer or other person to transport him there. Whenever possible the examination shall be conducted at a local developmental disabilities facility. No person may be detained for examination for certification for more than 24 hours and for a diagnostic evaluation for more than 7 days. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-505) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-505) Sec. 4-505. The court shall set a hearing to be held within 5 days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, after it receives the diagnostic report. The court shall direct that notice of the time and place of the hearing be given or sent to the respondent, his attorney, the facility director of the facility, and the persons specified in Section 4-206. The facility director shall make copies of the certificate and the diagnostic report available to the attorneys for the parties upon request. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-506) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-506) Sec. 4-506. The respondent may remain at his place of residence pending the hearing. If the court finds it necessary, it may order a peace officer or other person to have the respondent before the court at the time of the hearing. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/Ch. IV Art. VI heading)

(405 ILCS 5/4-600) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-600) Sec. 4-600. (a) Unless otherwise indicated, hearings under this Chapter shall be held pursuant to this Article. Hearings shall be held in such quarters as the court directs. To the extent practical, hearings shall be held at the developmental disabilities facility where the respondent is located. Any party may request a change of venue transfer to any other county because of the convenience of parties or witnesses or the condition of the respondent. The respondent may have the proceedings transferred to the county of his residence. (b) If the court grants a continuance on its own motion or upon the motion of one of the parties, the respondent may continue to be detained pending further order of the court. Such continuance shall not extend beyond 15 days except to the extent that continuances are requested by the respondent. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-601) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-601) Sec. 4-601. A respondent may request administrative admission at any time prior to a court order for judicial admission. If the facility director approves such a request, the court may dismiss the pending proceedings but may require proof that such dismissal is in the best interest of the respondent and of the public. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-602) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-602) Sec. 4-602. The respondent is entitled to a jury on the question of whether he meets the standard for judicial admission. The jury shall consist of 6 persons to be chosen in the same manner as are jurors in other civil proceedings. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-603) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-603) Sec. 4-603. Appointment of examiners; report. The court may appoint one or more clinical psychologists, clinical social workers, physicians, or other experts to examine the respondent and make a detailed written report of his or their findings regarding the respondent's condition. The report shall be filed with the court and copies shall be made available to the attorneys for the parties. (Source: P.A. 87-530.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-604) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-604) Sec. 4-604. Independent examination. The respondent is entitled to secure an independent examination by a physician, clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, or other expert of his choice. If the respondent is unable to obtain an examination, he may request that the court order an examination to be made by an impartial medical expert pursuant to Supreme Court Rules or by a clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, or other expert. Determination of the compensation of the physician, clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, or other expert and its payment shall be governed by Supreme Court Rule. (Source: P.A. 80-1414; 87-530.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-605) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-605) Sec. 4-605. Every respondent alleged to meet the standard for judicial admission shall be represented by counsel. If the respondent is indigent or an appearance has not been entered on his behalf at the time the matter is set for hearing, the court shall appoint counsel for him. A hearing shall not proceed when a respondent is not represented by counsel unless, after conferring with counsel, the respondent requests to represent himself and the court is satisfied that the respondent has the capacity to make an informed waiver of his right to counsel. Counsel shall be allowed time for adequate preparation and shall not be prevented from conferring with the respondent at reasonable times nor from making an investigation of the matters in issue and presenting such relevant evidence as he believes is necessary. 1. If the court determines that the respondent is unable to obtain counsel, the court shall appoint as counsel an attorney employed by or under contract with the Guardianship and Advocacy Commission, if available. 2. If an attorney from the Guardianship and Advocacy Commission is not available, the court shall appoint as counsel the public defender or, only if no public defender is available, an attorney licensed to practice law in this State. 3. Upon filing with the court of a verified statement of legal services rendered by the private attorney appointed pursuant to paragraph (2) of this Section, the court shall determine a reasonable fee for such services. If the respondent is unable to pay the fee, the court shall enter an order upon the county to pay the entire fee or such amount as the respondent is unable to pay. (Source: P.A. 85-1247.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-606) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-606) Sec. 4-606. The respondent shall be present at any hearing held under this Act unless his attorney waives his right to be present and the court is satisfied by a clear showing that the respondent's attendance would subject him to substantial risk of serious physical or emotional harm. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-607) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-607) Sec. 4-607. Expert testimony; waiver. No respondent may be found to meet the standard for judicial admission unless at least one clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, or physician who has examined him testifies in person at the hearing. The respondent may waive the requirement of this testimony subject to the approval of the court. (Source: P.A. 87-530.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-608) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-608) Sec. 4-608. No respondent may be found to meet the standard for judicial admission unless that finding has been established by clear and convincing evidence. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-609) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-609) Sec. 4-609. (a) In a hearing for judicial admission, if the respondent is not found to meet the standard for judicial admission, the court shall dismiss the petition and order the respondent discharged. (b) If it is found that the respondent meets the standard for judicial admission, the court may order him admitted to a developmental disabilities facility designated by the Department; to a private facility, if it agrees; or to a program of nonresidential habilitation. If the court is not satisfied with the verdict of the jury finding that the respondent meets the standard for judicial admission, it may set aside such verdict and order the respondent discharged or it may order another hearing. Before disposition is determined, the court shall consider the diagnostic report and its recommendations and shall select the least restrictive alternative which is consistent with the respondent's needs. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-610) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-610) Sec. 4-610. Nonresidential habilitation; orders; modification and revocation. (a) Prior to ordering admission to a program of nonresidential habilitation, the court shall ascertain that the program is capable of providing adequate and humane habilitation appropriate to the respondent's condition. (b) The court shall have continuing authority to modify an order for nonresidential habilitation if the respondent fails to comply with it or is otherwise found unsuitable for such habilitation. Prior to modifying such an order, the court must receive a report from the facility director specifying why the habilitation is unsuitable. The respondent shall be notified and given an opportunity to respond when modification is considered. (c) If the court revokes an order for nonresidential habilitation and orders admission of the respondent to a developmental disabilities facility, it may order a peace officer or other person to transport the respondent to the facility. (Source: P.A. 89-439, eff. 6-1-96.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-611) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-611) Sec. 4-611. (a) An order for admission to a developmental disabilities facility or to a program of nonresidential habilitation shall be for a period not to exceed 180 days. Prior to the expiration of the order, if the facility director of the facility or program believes that the client continues to meet the standard for judicial admission, a new petition and certificate may be filed with the court. In the event that a new petition is filed, the facility director of the facility shall file with the court a current habilitation plan which includes an evaluation of the respondent's progress and the extent to which he is benefiting from habilitation. If no petition is filed prior to expiration of the order, the client shall be discharged. Following a hearing on the petition, the court may order an additional 180 day period of admission to a facility or to a program of nonresidential habilitation only if the client continues to meet the standard for judicial admission. (b) Additional 180 day periods of judicial admission may be sought pursuant to the procedures set out in this Section for so long as the client continues to meet the standard for judicial admission. The provisions of this Article which apply whenever an initial order is sought shall apply whenever an additional period of admission is sought. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-612) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-612) Sec. 4-612. Not more than 60 days after any admission under this Article, the facility director of the facility shall file a current habilitation plan with the court which includes an evaluation of the client's progress and the extent to which he is benefiting from habilitation. The court shall review the habilitation plan. The court may order any public agency, officer, or employee to render such information, cooperation, and assistance as is within its legal authority and as may be necessary to achieve the objectives of this Section. The client or any person on his behalf may request a hearing to review the habilitation plan or the court on its own motion may order such a hearing. If the court is satisfied that the client is benefiting from habilitation, it may continue the original order for the remainder of the admission period. If the court is not so satisfied, it may modify its original order or it may order the client discharged. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-613) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-613) Sec. 4-613. Final orders; notice; appeals. (a) Every final order of the court shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by a statement on the record of the court's findings of fact and conclusions of law. A copy of such order shall be promptly given to the client, his or her attorney, and the facility director of the developmental disabilities facility or program to which the respondent is admitted. (b) An appeal from a final order may be taken in the same manner as in other civil cases. Upon entry of a final order, the court shall notify the client of his or her right to appeal and, if he or she is indigent, of his or her right to a free transcript and counsel. The cost of the transcript shall be paid pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 3-818 and subsection (c) of Section 4-615 of this Code. If the client wishes to appeal and is unable to obtain counsel, counsel shall be appointed pursuant to the provisions of Section 4-605. (Source: P.A. 90-765, eff. 8-14-98.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-614) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-614) Sec. 4-614. A verbatim record shall be made of all judicial hearings held pursuant to this Chapter. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-615) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-615) Sec. 4-615. Fees; costs; State funds. (a) Fees for jury service, witnesses, and service and execution of process are the same as for similar services in civil proceedings. (b) Except as provided under subsection (c) of this Section, the court may assess costs of the proceedings against the parties. If the respondent is not a resident of the county in which the hearing is held and the party against whom the court would otherwise assess costs has insufficient funds to pay the costs, the court may enter an order upon the State to pay the cost of the proceedings, from funds appropriated by the General Assembly for that purpose. (c) If the respondent is a party against whom the court would otherwise assess costs and that respondent is determined by the court to have insufficient funds to pay the cost of transcripts for the purpose of appeal, the court shall enter an order upon the State to pay the cost of one original and one copy of a transcript of proceedings established under this Code. Payment of transcript costs authorized under this subsection (c) shall be paid from funds appropriated by the General Assembly to the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts. (Source: P.A. 90-765, eff. 8-14-98.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-616) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-616) Sec. 4-616. (a) When a client is admitted upon court order, the order may authorize a relative or friend of the client to transport the client to the developmental disabilities facility if such person is able to do so safely and humanely. When the Department indicates that it has transportation to the facility available, the order may authorize the Department to transport the client there. The court may order the sheriff of the county in which such proceedings are held to transport the client to the facility. (b) Upon the delivery of a client to a facility, in accordance with the procedure set forth in this Article, the facility director of the facility shall sign a receipt acknowledging custody of the client and for any personal property belonging to him or her, which receipt shall be filed with the clerk of the court which entered the admission order. (Source: P.A. 83-346.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-617) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-617) Sec. 4-617. Nothing in this Chapter shall deprive any person of the benefits of relief by habeas corpus. If the court issuing the order of habeas corpus grants relief, a copy of the order shall be sent to the court which entered the order of admission and the clerk of the court shall file the order in the court record. (Source: P.A. 83-346.)

(405 ILCS 5/Ch. IV Art. VII heading)

(405 ILCS 5/4-700) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-700) Sec. 4-700. The person who executed the application for administrative or temporary admission may request discharge of the client so admitted at any time. The client shall be discharged within 3 days of receipt of a written request by the facility director of the developmental disabilities facility. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-701) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-701) Sec. 4-701. (a) Any client admitted to a developmental disabilities facility under this Chapter may be discharged whenever the facility director determines that he is suitable for discharge. (b) Any client admitted to a facility or program of nonresidential services upon court order under Article V of this Chapter or admitted upon court order as a person with an intellectual disability or as mentally deficient under any prior statute shall be discharged whenever the facility director determines that he no longer meets the standard for judicial admission. When the facility director believes that continued residence is advisable for such a client, he shall inform the client and his guardian, if any, that the client may remain at the facility on administrative admission status. When a facility director discharges or changes the status of such client, he shall promptly notify the clerk of the court who shall note the action in the court record. (c) When the facility director discharges a client pursuant to subsection (b) of this Section, he shall promptly notify the State's Attorney of the county in which the client resided immediately prior to his admission to a developmental disabilities facility. Upon receipt of such notice, the State's Attorney may notify such peace officers that he deems appropriate. (d) The facility director may grant a temporary release to any client when such release is appropriate and consistent with the habilitation needs of the client. (Source: P.A. 98-463, eff. 8-16-13; 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-702) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-702) Sec. 4-702. (a) Conditional discharge means the placement of a client out of a facility for continuing habilitation provided under supervision of the discharging developmental disabilities facility or of the Department if he was in a Department facility. The facility director may grant a conditional discharge to a client when he determines that conditional discharge is appropriate and consistent with the habilitation needs of the client. (b) A conditional discharge shall terminate within one year unless it is extended for one additional year. Written notice of the extension shall be given to the persons specified in Section 4-206 and to the facility, if any, where the client is residing. (c) A conditionally discharged client may be readmitted to the facility if the facility director determines that such readmission is consistent with the client's habilitation needs and if the court, in the event that the client was judicially admitted, or the person who executed the application for administrative admission, consents thereto. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-703) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-703) Sec. 4-703. (a) Prior to discharge under Sections 4-701 or 4-702, the facility director shall prepare a post-discharge plan which is consistent with the client's habilitation goals. To the extent possible, the client and his family shall be consulted in the preparation and implementation of the plan. (b) Prior to discharge if the client is 18 years of age or older and does not have a guardian, he shall be evaluated to determine whether he requires one. If it is determined that the client requires a guardian, his parent or another interested person shall be notified and requested to file a petition for the appointment of a guardian. If no petition is filed, the facility director of the facility may file such a petition. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-704) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-704) Sec. 4-704. (a) At least 14 days prior to the discharge of a client from a Department developmental disabilities facility under Section 4-701 or 4-702, the facility director shall give written notice of the discharge to the client, if he is 12 years of age or older, to his attorney and guardian, if any, to the person who executed the application for admission and to the resident school district when appropriate. The notice, except that to the school district, shall include the reason for the discharge and a statement of the right to object. (b) The client, if he is 12 years of age or older, may object to his discharge or the attorney or guardian of a client or the person who executed the application may object on behalf of a client. Prior to discharge a written objection shall be submitted to the facility director of the facility where the client is located. Upon receipt of an objection, the facility director shall promptly schedule a hearing to be held at the facility within 7 days pursuant to Section 4-209. No discharge shall proceed pending hearing on an objection, unless the person objecting to the discharge consents to discharge pending the hearing. (c) At the hearing the Department shall have the burden of proving that the client meets the standard for discharge under this Chapter and under Section 15 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act. If the utilization review committee finds that the Department has sustained its burden and that the proposed discharge is based upon substantial evidence, it shall recommend that the discharge proceed. If the utilization review committee does not so find, it shall recommend that the client not be discharged but it may recommend that the client be transferred to another facility which can provide habilitation appropriate to the condition and needs of the client. It may recommend that the Department or other agency assist the person in obtaining such appropriate habilitation. (Source: P.A. 89-507, eff. 7-1-97.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-705) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-705) Sec. 4-705. Petition for discharge; examination. (a) At any time a person admitted by court order under Article V of this Chapter or under any prior statute or any person 18 years of age or older on his behalf may file a petition for discharge with the court. (b) The petition shall set forth: (1) the name of the client; (2) the events that precipitated the admission and the date of the admission order; and (3) a request for discharge and the reasons for the request. The petition shall be accompanied by the certificate of a clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, or physician stating that the client no longer meets the standard for judicial admission and specifying the reasons for that conclusion. (c) If the petition is not accompanied by a certificate, the court shall appoint a clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, or physician to examine the client. If the clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, or physician determines that the client does not meet the standard for judicial admission, he shall execute a certificate so stating. The client is also entitled to an independent examination pursuant to Section 4-605. (Source: P.A. 87-530.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-706) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-706) Sec. 4-706. (a) Upon receipt of a petition for discharge, the court shall set a hearing to be held within 7 days. The court shall direct that notice of the time and place of the hearing be given to the client, the person specified in Section 4-206, and to the facility director. Article VI of this Chapter shall apply to hearings held under this Section. (b) If the court finds that the client does not meet the standard for judicial admission, the court shall enter an order so finding and shall order the client discharged. If the court determines that the client continues to meet the standard for judicial admission, the court may continue or modify its original order. Thereafter, no new petition for discharge may be filed for 60 days without leave of the court. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-707) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-707) Sec. 4-707. The facility director of any Department facility may transfer a client to another Department facility if he determines that the transfer is appropriate and consistent with the habilitation needs of the client. An appropriate facility which is close to the client's place of residence shall be preferred unless the client requests otherwise or unless compelling reasons exist for preferring another facility. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-708) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-708) Sec. 4-708. Any client admitted to a facility or to a program of nonresidential habilitation under Article V of this Chapter or his guardian, attorney, or nearest adult relative on his behalf may at any time petition the court for transfer to a different facility or program of nonresidential services. If the client is in a private facility, the facility may also petition for transfer. An order for admission to a facility shall not be entered under this Section if the original order did not authorize such admission unless a hearing is held pursuant to Article VI of this Chapter. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)

(405 ILCS 5/4-709) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-709) Sec. 4-709. (a) Whenever a client who has been in a Department facility for more than 7 days is to be transferred to another facility under Section 4-707, the facility director of the facility shall give written notice at least 14 days before transfer to the client's attorney and to the persons specified in Section 4-206 of the reasons for the transfer and of the right to object. In an emergency, when the health of the client or the physical safety of the client or others is imminently imperiled and appropriate care and services are not available where the client is located, a client may be immediately transferred to another facility provided that notice is given as soon as possible but not more than 48 hours after the transfer. The reason for the emergency shall be noted in the client's record and specified in the notice. (b) A client may object to his transfer or his attorney or any person receiving notice under Section 4-206 may object on his behalf. Prior to transfer or within 14 days after an emergency transfer, a written objection shall be submitted to the facility director of the facility where the client is located. Upon receipt of an objection, the facility director shall promptly schedule a hearing to be held within 7 days pursuant to the procedures in Section 4-209. The hearing shall be held at the transferring facility except that when an emergency transfer has taken place, the hearing may be held at the receiving facility. Except in an emergency, no transfer shall proceed pending hearing on an objection. (c) At the hearing the Department shall have the burden of proving that the standard for transfer under Section 4-707 is met. If the transfer is to a facility which is substantially more physically restrictive than the transferring facility, the Department shall also prove that the transfer is reasonably required for the safety of the client or others. If the utilization review committee finds that the Department has sustained its burden and the decision to transfer is based upon substantial evidence, it shall recommend that the transfer proceed. If it does not so find, it shall recommend that the client not be transferred. (Source: P.A. 80-1414.)