(35 ILCS 516/Div. 3.5 heading)
(35 ILCS 516/95) Sec. 95. Time of applying for judgment. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, all applications for judgment and order of sale for taxes on delinquent mobile homes shall be made during the month of October. Within 30 days after the day specified for the application for judgment the court shall hear and determine the matter. If judgment is rendered, the sale shall begin on the date within 5 business days specified in the notice as provided in Section 60. If the collector is prevented from advertising and obtaining judgment during the month of October, the collector may obtain judgment at any time thereafter; but if the failure arises by the county collector's not complying with any of the requirements of this Act, he or she shall be held on his or her official bond for the full amount of all taxes charged against him or her. Any failure on the part of the county collector shall not be allowed as a valid objection to the collection of any tax, or to entry of a judgment against any delinquent mobile homes included in the application of the county collector. (Source: P.A. 92-807, eff. 1-1-03.)
(35 ILCS 516/100) Sec. 100. Annual tax judgment, sale, redemption, and forfeiture record. The collector shall transcribe into a record prepared for that purpose, and known as the annual tax judgment, sale, redemption, and forfeiture record, the list of delinquent mobile homes. The record shall contain all the information necessary to be recorded, at least 5 days before the day on which application for judgment is to be made. The record shall set forth the name of the owner and the street, common address, and mobile home park where the mobile home is sited, if known; a description of the mobile home, including the vehicle identification number, if known, model year, and square footage; the year or years for which the tax is due; the valuation on which the tax is extended; the amount of the consolidated and other taxes; the costs; and the total amount of charges against the mobile home. The record shall also be ruled in columns to show the amount paid before entry of judgment; the amount of judgment and a column for remarks; the amount paid before sale and after entry of judgment; the amount of the sale; amount of interest or penalty; amount of cost; amount forfeited to the State; date of sale; name of purchaser; amount of sale and penalty; taxes of succeeding years; interest and when paid, interest and cost; total amount of redemption; date of redemption; when certificate of title executed; by whom redeemed; and a column for remarks or receipt of redemption money. The record shall be kept in the office of the county clerk. (Source: P.A. 99-274, eff. 1-1-16.)
(35 ILCS 516/105) Sec. 105. Payment of delinquent tax before sale. Any person owning or claiming mobile homes upon which application for judgment is applied for may, in person or by agent, pay the taxes, and costs due to the county collector at any time before sale. (Source: P.A. 92-807, eff. 1-1-03.)
(35 ILCS 516/110) Sec. 110. Report of payments and corrections. On the day on which application for judgment on a delinquent mobile home is applied for, the collector, assisted by the county clerk, shall post all payments, compare and correct the list, and shall make and subscribe an affidavit, which shall be substantially in the following form: State of Illinois) ) ss.County of .......) I ...., collector of the county of ...., do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be), that the foregoing is a true and correct list of the delinquent mobile homes within the county of ...., upon which I have been unable to collect the taxes (and interest and printer's fees, if any), charged thereon, as required by law, for the year or years therein set forth; and that the taxes, now remain due and unpaid, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated .......... The affidavit shall be entered at the end of the list, and signed by the collector. (Source: P.A. 92-807, eff. 1-1-03.)
(35 ILCS 516/112) Sec. 112. Certificate of error. At any time before a judgment and order of sale is entered in any proceeding to collect or to enjoin the collection of taxes, the owner may file an affidavit with the board of review that the tax bill is in error as to the square footage or as to the rate of tax. The board of review, with the consent of the chief county assessment officer, may issue the person erroneously assessed a certificate of error setting forth the nature of the error and the cause or causes of the error. The certificate, when properly endorsed by a majority of the board of review and by the chief county assessment officer showing their concurrence, and not otherwise, may be used in evidence in any court of competent jurisdiction and, when introduced in evidence, shall become part of the court record and shall not be removed from the files except on an order of the court. (Source: P.A. 96-254, eff. 8-11-09.)
(35 ILCS 516/115) Sec. 115. Proceedings by court. Defenses to the entry of judgment against mobile homes included in the delinquent list shall be entertained by the court only when the defense includes a writing specifying the particular grounds for the objection. If any party objecting is entitled to a refund of all or any part of a tax paid, the court shall enter judgment accordingly, and also shall enter judgment for the taxes, interest, and penalties as appear to be due. The judgment shall be considered as a several judgment against each mobile home, for each kind of tax included therein. The court shall direct the clerk to prepare and enter an order for the sale of the mobile home against which judgment is entered. (Source: P.A. 92-807, eff. 1-1-03.)
(35 ILCS 516/120) Sec. 120. Form of court order. A judgment and order of sale shall be substantially in the following form: Whereas, due notice has been given of the intended application for a judgment against mobile homes, and no sufficient defense having been made or cause shown why judgment should not be entered against the mobile homes, for taxes, interest, penalties, and costs due and unpaid thereon for the year or years herein set forth, therefore the court hereby enters judgment against the above stated mobile homes, in favor of the People of the State of Illinois, for the amount of taxes, interest, penalties and costs due thereon. It is ordered by the court that the mobile homes be sold as the law directs. The order shall be signed by the judge. In all judicial proceedings of any kind, for the collection of taxes, all amendments may be made which, by law, could be made in any personal action pending in that court. (Source: P.A. 92-807, eff. 1-1-03.)
(35 ILCS 516/125) Sec. 125. Cure of error or informality in computation of tax or collection of the taxes. No computation of the tax on a mobile home or charge for any of the taxes shall be considered illegal on account of any irregularity in the computation, or on account of the computation not having been made within the time required by law, or on account of the mobile home having been charged without name, or in any other name than that of the rightful owner. No error or informality in the proceedings of any of the officers connected with the computation or collection of the taxes, not affecting the substantial justice of the tax itself, shall vitiate or in any manner affect the tax or the computation thereof. Any irregularity or informality in the computation of the tax, or in any of the proceedings connected with the computation of the taxes, or any omission or defective act of any other officer or officers connected with the computation of the taxes, may be, in the discretion of the court, corrected, supplied and made to conform to law by the court, or by the person (in the presence of the court) from whose neglect or default it was occasioned. (Source: P.A. 92-807, eff. 1-1-03.)