67-826. IDAHO ROADLESS RULE IMPLEMENTATION COMMISSION. (1) There is hereby established in the office of the governor an Idaho roadless rule implementation commission, hereinafter referred to as the "commission."
(2) The commission shall cooperate and advise on proposed and ongoing projects, plans and policies occurring within or affecting "Idaho roadless areas," as defined in 36 CFR 294.21.
(3) The commission will, as necessary, enter into memoranda of understanding or other agreements with the United States forest service to cooperate on activities subject to the Idaho roadless rule as provided in 36 CFR 294, subpart C.
(4) The members of the commission shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the governor. The commission shall be composed of fifteen (15) members and may be appointed from the following three (3) categories:
(a) Individuals who:
(i) Participated in the development of the Idaho roadless rule or were members of the roadless area conservation national advisory committee;
(ii) Represent developed outdoor recreation, off-highway vehicle users or commercial recreation activities;
(iii) Represent energy or mineral development interests;
(iv) Represent the commercial timber industry; or
(v) Hold a federal grazing lease or other federal land use lease.
(b) Individuals who:
(i) Represent an environmental organization;
(ii) Represent dispersed recreation activities;
(iii) Represent archaeological and historical interests; or
(iv) Represent a nationally or regionally recognized wildlife or sportsmen’s interest group.
(c) Individuals who:
(i) Hold state elected office or their designee;
(ii) Hold county or local elected office;
(iii) Represent an American Indian tribe within the state of Idaho; or
(iv) Represent the public at large.
(5) There shall be a chairman and a vice chairman of the commission elected by a majority of the members of the commission. A majority of the commissioners shall constitute a quorum.
(6) The commission meetings will, if determined warranted, be held semiannually or at other times upon the call of the chairman or a majority of the commission.
[67-826, added 2018, ch. 27, sec. 1, p. 51.]