(a) All state entities are directed to maintain at all times a complete current inventory of real property under their jurisdiction. The inventory shall be accomplished by the completion of a form, substantially as follows, for each parcel of real property held by such departments and public corporations:
(Date form completed)
(1) State Entity:
(Board, bureau, commission, depart-
ment, official, or other agency)
(2) Grantor:
(Exactly as it appears on instrument)
(3) Grantee:
(Exactly as it appears on instrument)
(4) Date of instrument:
(5) Acreage:
(6) Records, office of the clerk, Superior Court County (a)
Deed Book Folio (b) Plat or Map Book Folio
(7) Location of property: County City Street address, if
applicable, and if not, brief directions to property
(8) Type of instrument: (a) Warranty deed ( ), (b) Quitclaim deed ( ),
(c) Eminent domain, deed executed ( ), (d) Trustee's deed ( ), (e)
Administrator's or Executor's deed ( ), (f) Simple deed, no warranty ( ), (g)
Lease ( ), (h) Use permit ( ), (i) Resolution of General Assembly ( ), (j)
Deed of gift ( ).
(9) Kind of conveyance: (a) Fee simple ( ), (b) Other ( ), state terms
and conditions
(10) If acquired by eminent domain by court order and no deed was
executed: (a) Name of principal defendant , (b) Case number ,
(c) Date of final judgment
(11) Location of original deed
(12) Is property surplus?
(13) Purchase price of property
(14) Purchased with (a) State funds? , (b) Federal funds?
(Show percent state & federal)
(15) Estimated present value: (a) Land (b) Improvements
(16) Insured for: $ with
Ins. Co.
(17) Present use
Name of person completing form
Title Signature
(b) The inventory required by subsection (a) of this Code section shall be maintained current at all times. It shall be the duty of each state entity to file a duplicate of the inventory with the State Properties Commission; and the State Properties Commission shall compile and index all such inventories into a single complete inventory of all real property, but the State Properties Commission shall maintain separate files on the property belonging to the public corporations. It shall be the further duty of each state entity to file with the State Properties Commission a duplicate of each form or other document, as provided in subsection (c) of this Code section, completed by such state entity in maintaining the inventory of the entity current; and the State Properties Commission shall utilize such forms or other documents to maintain the complete inventory of all real property current.
(c) The State Properties Commission is authorized to devise such forms or other documents as may be necessary to keep the complete inventory of real property current; and it shall be the duty of each state entity to utilize such forms and documents as directed by the State Properties Commission.
(d) The real property inventory form provided in subsection (a) of this Code section shall be completed for each parcel of real property acquired by each state entity. The form shall be completed within 30 days after the acquisition of any real property and a duplicate of same shall be forwarded to the State Properties Commission.