(1) Develop and implement a process of strategic planning to establish and periodically update an overall plan for state government and require all state agencies to develop a strategic plan that is consistent with that overall state plan. The Office of Planning and Budget may assist departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, institutions, authorities, and other agencies in developing those plans and in tailoring them to those organizations' program needs;
(2) Develop and implement a program budgeting system that relates funding to achievement of established goals and objectives, measures agency performance against attainment of planned outcomes, and provides for program evaluations for policy and funding determinations. Program evaluations may include cost benefit analyses, decision analyses, statistical analyses, comparisons with similar programs in other jurisdictions, relevant historical trends, and demographic factors and other useful techniques;
(3) Develop financial policies and plans as the basis for budget recommendations to the General Assembly and prepare detailed documents in accordance with such financial policies and plans for presentation to the General Assembly. The Office of Planning and Budget shall make its records and information available at all times to the General Assembly and its designees;
(4) Coordinate the fiscal affairs and procedures of the state to assure the carrying out of the financial plans and policies approved by the General Assembly, including the administration of a system of annual operating budgets and amendments thereto and of expenditure control;
(5) Develop plans for improvements and economies in organization and operation of the state agencies and implement such plans as are approved by the General Assembly;
(6) Develop a long-term capital improvements budget which emphasizes decentralization of state government and which is consistent with the overall strategic plan for consideration by the General Assembly;
(7) Analyze financial and administrative aspects of proposed legislation;
(8) Provide such assistance as the General Assembly may request and be available to assist its appropriations committees with any needed information or material;
(9) Perform all other duties provided for in this part and such other duties as the General Assembly may from time to time prescribe;
(10) In an effort to improve responsiveness of government and the effective and efficient delivery of services, provide leadership in initiating, organizing, and operating partnerships and collaborations among public and private entities having common or overlapping missions, purposes, roles, responsibilities, clients, or other similar relationships;
(11) Consult with the General Assembly on a regular basis concerning the development and implementation of the strategic planning process, the development of outcome measures for program evaluation, and the implementation of the other provisions of this article; and
(12) Promulgate rules and regulations governing:
(A) The use of passenger-carrying automobiles purchased or leased by any office, agency, department, board, bureau, commission, institution, authority, or other entity of the state;
(B) The rental of passenger-carrying automobiles by officials, officers, and employees of the state and for reimbursement of rental expense;
(C) A system of billings for motor vehicle service including the provision of fuel, maintenance, and repair costs for vehicles which are owned or leased by any office, agency, department, board, bureau, commission, institution, authority, or other entity of the state; and
(D) Acquisition, utilization, preventive maintenance, repair, and replacement of all other motor vehicles, exclusive of the off-the-road and highly specialized motor vehicle equipment as defined by the Office of Planning and Budget, owned or leased by any office, agency, department, board, bureau, commission, institution, authority, or other entity of the state.