(1) Each boxer must be examined by a physician who must then certify that the boxer is physically fit to compete safely. Copies of each such certificate shall be provided to the commission prior to the professional match, contest, or exhibition of boxing. The commission is authorized at any time to require a boxer to undergo a physical examination, including neurological or neuropsychological tests and procedures;
(2) A physician approved by the commission must be continuously present at ringside during every professional match, contest, or exhibition of boxing. The physician shall observe the physical condition of the boxers and advise the referee with regards thereto;
(3) One or more inspectors appointed by the commission as duly authorized representatives of the commission shall be present at each professional match, contest, or exhibition of boxing to ensure that the rules are strictly observed. An inspector or other duly authorized representative of the commission must be present at the weigh-in and at the ring during the conduct of the professional match, contest, or exhibition of boxing. Inspectors and other duly authorized representatives of the commission shall have free access to the dressing rooms of the boxers;
(4) Each boxer shall be covered by health insurance which will cover injuries sustained during the professional match, contest, or exhibition of boxing; and
(5) An ambulance and medical personnel with appropriate resuscitation equipment must be continuously present at the site during any professional match, contest, or exhibition of boxing.