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U.S. State Codes
Title 32 - Highways, Bridge...
Chapter 2 - Department of T...
Article 4 - Exercise of Power to Contract Gener...
Article 4 - Exercise of Power to Contract Generally
§ 32-2-60. Authority to contract; form and content of construction contracts; bonds
§ 32-2-61. Limitations on power to contract
§ 32-2-62. Approval by board of advertising of nonnegotiated construction contracts; factors to be considered by board
§ 32-2-63. Authority of commissioner to execute contracts and authority lease agreements
§ 32-2-64. Required letting of contracts by public bid; posting bid on department website sufficient
§ 32-2-65. Advertising for bids
§ 32-2-66. Prequalifications of contractors and subcontractors
§ 32-2-67. Payment by bidder to cover costs
§ 32-2-68. Proposal guaranty by bidder
§ 32-2-69. Bidding process and award of contract
§ 32-2-70. Bonds of successful bidder
§ 32-2-71. Failure of successful bidder to sign contract or furnish bonds
§ 32-2-72. Oath by successful bidder
§ 32-2-73. Supplemental and extension agreements
§ 32-2-74. Effect of federal laws on Code Sections 32-2-60 through 32-2-73; power of department to secure benefits of federal-aid program
§ 32-2-75. Contract clauses for retainage of amounts constituting a percentage of gross value of completed work; time of final payment of retained amounts to contractor
§ 32-2-76. Contract clauses providing for escrow agreements; mandatory provisions of escrow agreements
§ 32-2-77. Liability of treasurer of the department or other appropriate authority and state to contractor or surety
§ 32-2-78. Definitions
§ 32-2-79. Reporting on congestion mitigation; letting of projects
§ 32-2-80. Evaluation of participation in financing projects; public comments; funding; no delegation of eminent domain; performance and payment security
§ 32-2-81. "Design-build procedure" defined; procedures for utilization; limitation on contracting; summary projects