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U.S. State Codes
Title 26 - Food, Drugs, and...
Chapter 2 - Standards, Labe...
Article 3 - Meat Inspection
Part 3 - Inspection of Animals, Carcasses, Meat...
Part 3 - Inspection of Animals, Carcasses, Meat, and Meat Food Products; Adulteration and Misbranding
§ 26-2-100. Duties of inspectors
§ 26-2-100.1. Examinations and inspections of nontraditional livestock carcasses, meats, and meat food products
§ 26-2-101. Inspections and examinations; administration in conjunction with Article 2 of this chapter
§ 26-2-102. Inspection of animals prior to slaughter or preparation; examination and slaughtering of diseased animals; examination and inspection of method; right of Commissioner to deny or suspend inspections
§ 26-2-103. Post-mortem inspection and marking of carcasses and parts; disposition of condemned carcasses and parts; reinspection; removal of inspectors
§ 26-2-104. Inspection of carcasses, parts, meat, and meat products brought into or returned to slaughtering or packing establishments; limitations on entry of carcasses, parts, meat, and meat products
§ 26-2-105. Inspection of meat food products where prepared; inspection markings; disposition of condemned meat food products; removal of inspectors
§ 26-2-106. Inspection of meat and meat food products in retail and other food service establishments; disposition of condemned meat; sale or display of noninspected meat or meat food products
§ 26-2-107. Labeling of meat, meat food products, and carcasses; standards and definitions; use of false or misleading labels or containers
§ 26-2-108. Sanitary inspections of slaughter and packing establishments; sanitation regulations; labeling adulterated meat and meat food products
§ 26-2-109. Inspection of animals and food products thereof slaughtered and prepared at nighttime
§ 26-2-110. Slaughter, preparation, sale, or transportation of animals, meat, or meat food products generally
§ 26-2-110.1. Approved methods for handling and slaughtering of animals; designation by Commissioner of methods of handling and slaughtering
§ 26-2-111. Labeling and preparation of carcasses, meat, and meat food products of equines
§ 26-2-112. Inspection exceptions; labeling and handling of custom slaughtered and prepared meat or meat food products
§ 26-2-113. Storage and handling regulations for carcasses, meat, and meat food products
§ 26-2-114. Fraudulent practices
§ 26-2-115. Use of "Georgia" in trademark, trade name, service mark, or advertisement
§ 26-2-116. Applicability of part to federally inspected slaughtering and packing establishments