(a) When the use of optical scanning voting systems has been authorized in the manner prescribed in this part, such optical scanning voting systems shall be installed, either simultaneously or gradually, within the county or municipality. Upon the installation of optical scanning voting systems in any precinct, the use of paper ballots or other voting machines or apparatus therein shall be discontinued, except as otherwise provided by this chapter.
(b) In each precinct in which optical scanning voting systems are used, the county or municipal governing authority, as appropriate, shall provide at least one voting booth or enclosure for each 200 electors therein, or fraction thereof.
(c) Optical scanning voting systems of different kinds may be used for different precincts in the same county or municipality.
(d) The county or municipal governing authority, as appropriate, shall provide optical scanning voting systems in good working order and of sufficient capacity to accommodate the names of a reasonable number of candidates for all party offices and nominations and public offices which, under the provisions of existing laws and party rules, are likely to be voted for at any future primary or election.