(a) Any person applying to register to vote shall provide his or her Georgia driver's license number or identification card number for an identification card issued pursuant to Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Title 40 on the voter registration application. If a person does not have a Georgia driver's license or identification card issued pursuant to Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Title 40, such person shall provide the last four digits of his or her social security number on the voter registration application. If a person does not have a Georgia driver's license, a Georgia identification card issued pursuant to Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Title 40, or a social security number, the person shall affirm this fact in the manner prescribed in the voter registration application upon penalty of law and such application shall be processed without regard to the procedures outlined in subsections (b), (c), and (d) of this Code section.
(b) For those voter registration applicants who have a Georgia driver's license number or identification card number for an identification card issued pursuant to Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Title 40, or the last four digits of a social security number, a voter registration application may be accepted as valid only after the board of registrars has verified the authenticity of the Georgia driver's license number, the identification card number of an identification card issued pursuant to Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Title 40, or the last four digits of the social security number provided by the applicant.
(c) The authenticity of an applicant's Georgia driver's license number, identification card number of an identification card issued pursuant to Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Title 40, or the last four digits of the social security number may be verified by:
(1) The board of registrars matching the Georgia driver's license number, identification card number of an identification card issued pursuant to Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Title 40, or the last four digits of the social security number provided by the applicant with the applicant's record on file with the Department of Driver Services or the federal Social Security Administration; or
(2) The applicant providing sufficient evidence to the board of registrars to verify the applicant's identity, which sufficient evidence includes, but is not limited to, providing one of the forms of identification listed in subsection (a) of Code Section 21-2-417.
(1) If a completed voter registration application has been received by the registration deadline set by Code Section 21-2-224 but the Georgia driver's license number, the identification card number of an identification card issued pursuant to Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Title 40, or the last four digits of the social security number provided by the applicant cannot be verified, the applicant shall be notified that the number cannot be verified and that the applicant must provide sufficient evidence to the board of registrars to verify the applicant's identity in order to have his or her application processed by the board of registrars.
(2) If the applicant provides such sufficient evidence on or before the date of a primary or election, and if the applicant is found eligible to vote, the applicant shall be added to the list of electors and shall be permitted to vote in the primary or election and any runoff resulting therefrom and subsequent primaries and elections.
(3) If the applicant has not provided such sufficient evidence or such number has not otherwise been verified on or before the date of a primary or election, the applicant presenting himself or herself to vote shall be provided a provisional ballot. The provisional ballot shall be counted only if such number is verified by the end of the time period set forth in subsection (c) of Code Section 21-2-419 or if the applicant presents sufficient evidence to the board of registrars to verify the applicant's identity, by the end of the time period set forth in subsection (c) of Code Section 21-2-419.
(4) The voter application shall be rejected if the Georgia driver's license number, identification card number of an identification card issued pursuant to Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Title 40, or last four digits of the social security number provided by the applicant is not verified and the applicant fails to present sufficient evidence to the board of registrars to verify the applicant's identity within 26 months following the date of the application.
(5) This subsection shall not apply to an electronic voter registration application submitted pursuant to Code Section 21-2-221.2.