(a) Unless otherwise provided by local law or, in the absence of local law, by local board policy, upon being called together by one of their number, the members of the local board shall organize by selecting one of their number as chairperson to serve as such during the term for which that person was chosen as a member of the local board. The local school superintendent shall act as secretary of the local board, ex officio. A majority of the local board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The votes of a majority of the members present shall be necessary for the transaction of any business or discharge of any duties of the local board of education, provided there is a quorum present. Any action taken by less than a majority of the board members may be rescinded by a majority of the board members at the next regular meeting or within 30 days of such action, whichever is later. It shall be the duty of the superintendent as secretary to be present at the meetings of the local board, to keep the minutes of its meetings and make a permanent record of them, and to do any other clerical work it may direct the superintendent to do. The superintendent shall cause to be recorded in a book, to be provided for the purpose, all official proceedings of the local board, which shall be a public record open to the inspection of any person interested therein; and all such proceedings, when so recorded, shall be signed by the chairperson and countersigned by the secretary.
(b) Pursuant to the authority of this subsection, any local board of education whose chairperson is required to be a member of that board who is elected at large from its school district, when such requirement is imposed by the terms of a local law which became effective before this subsection may become effective under the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, shall continue to have as its chairperson that same member who is elected at large as designated by that local law, unless thereafter changed by local law.