(a) At any time, any claimant claiming any interest in the fine and bond forfeiture fund (including the officer or officers in charge of the roads and revenues of the county, on behalf of the county, and in the interest of the county in securing all moneys due hereunder to the general fund of the county for the purpose of paying expenses of the courts, the maintenance and support of prisoners, the payment to sheriffs and coroners for litigation, and payment of all legal demands as aforesaid) may proceed as provided by law by rule and attachment against the county treasurer and the prosecuting officer.
(b) In the proceeding or rule the court may seize any such funds which are a part of the fine and bond forfeiture fund, by whomever held, under appropriate order and may order the funds paid into the registry of the court. To that end, for the purpose of carrying into effect this entire article, the court may join any necessary parties.
(c) The court, and the judge thereof, shall order such additional notice and service which to the court shall seem proper in order to protect the rights of all parties interested in the fund. The proceeding shall be in the nature of an equitable proceeding and shall be governed by all established rules and maxims of equity. The court may pass such orders and order such disposition of funds in the registry of the court, in the county treasury, or in the hands of any custodian of the fine and bond forfeiture fund as will ensure such payment to officers of court, to other legal claimants, or to the county, in lieu of the salary of officers of court, of the insolvent costs of such officers earned during their term of office, such payment to be out of fines and bond forfeitures collected during such terms as is provided by law.