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U.S. State Codes
Title XXXIX - Commercial Re...
Chapter 673 - Uniform Comme...
Part IV - Liability of Parties (Ss. 673.4011-67...
Part IV - Liability of Parties (Ss. 673.4011-673.4201)
673.4011 - Signature.
673.4021 - Signature by representative.
673.4031 - Unauthorized signature.
673.4041 - Impostors; fictitious payees.
673.4051 - Employer’s responsibility for fraudulent indorsement by employee.
673.4061 - Negligence contributing to forged signature or alteration of instrument.
673.4071 - Alteration.
673.4081 - Drawee not liable on unaccepted draft.
673.4091 - Acceptance of draft; certified check.
673.4101 - Acceptance varying draft.
673.4111 - Refusal to pay cashier’s checks, teller’s checks, and certified checks.
673.4121 - Obligation of issuer of note or cashier’s check.
673.4131 - Obligation of acceptor.
673.4141 - Obligation of drawer.
673.4151 - Obligation of indorser.
673.4161 - Transfer warranties.
673.4171 - Presentment warranties.
673.4181 - Payment or acceptance by mistake.
673.4191 - Instruments signed for accommodation.
673.4201 - Conversion of instrument.