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U.S. State Codes
Title XXVI - Public Transpo...
Chapter 343 - Regional Tran...
Part IV - Northwest Florida Transportation Corr...
Part IV - Northwest Florida Transportation Corridor Authority (Ss. 343.80-343.89)
343.80 - Short title.
343.805 - Definitions.
343.81 - Northwest Florida Transportation Corridor Authority.
343.82 - Purposes and powers.
343.83 - Improvements, bond financing authority.
343.835 - Bonds of the authority.
343.836 - Remedies of the bondholders.
343.84 - Department may be appointed agent of authority for construction.
343.85 - Acquisition of lands and property.
343.87 - Cooperation with other units, boards, agencies, and individuals.
343.875 - Public-private partnerships.
343.88 - Covenant of the state.
343.881 - Exemption from taxation.
343.884 - Eligibility for investments and security.
343.89 - Complete and additional statutory authority.