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U.S. State Codes
Title XLVI - Crimes
Chapter 817 - Fraudulent Pr...
Part II - Credit Card Crimes (Ss. 817.57-817.685)
Part II - Credit Card Crimes (Ss. 817.57-817.685)
817.57 - Short title.
817.58 - Definitions.
817.59 - False statement as to financial condition or identity.
817.60 - Theft; obtaining credit card through fraudulent means.
817.61 - Fraudulent use of credit cards.
817.611 - Traffic in or possess counterfeit credit cards.
817.612 - Expired or revoked credit cards.
817.62 - Fraud by person authorized to provide goods or services.
817.625 - Use of scanning device, skimming device, or reencoder to defraud; possession of skimming device; penalties.
817.631 - Possession and transfer of credit-card-making equipment.
817.64 - Receipt of money, etc., obtained by fraudulent use of credit cards.
817.645 - Alteration of credit card invoice; penalties.
817.646 - Credit card lists prohibited; penalty.
817.65 - Defenses not available.
817.66 - Presumptions.
817.67 - Penalties.
817.68 - Part II not exclusive.
817.685 - Credit card transaction records.