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U.S. State Codes
Title XLII - Estates and Tr...
Chapter 733 - Probate Code:...
Part V - Curators; Resignation and Removal of P...
Part V - Curators; Resignation and Removal of Personal Representatives (Ss. 733.501-733.509)
733.501 - Curators.
733.502 - Resignation of personal representative.
733.503 - Appointment of successor upon resignation.
733.5035 - Surrender of assets after resignation.
733.5036 - Accounting and discharge following resignation.
733.504 - Removal of personal representative; causes for removal.
733.505 - Jurisdiction in removal proceedings.
733.506 - Proceedings for removal.
733.5061 - Appointment of successor upon removal.
733.508 - Accounting and discharge of removed personal representatives upon removal.
733.509 - Surrender of assets upon removal.