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U.S. State Codes
Title XL - Real and Persona...
Chapter 720 - Homeowners' A...
Part I - General Provisions (Ss. 720.301-720.317)
Part I - General Provisions (Ss. 720.301-720.317)
720.301 - Definitions.
720.3015 - Short title.
720.302 - Purposes, scope, and application.
720.303 - Association powers and duties; meetings of board; official records; budgets; financial reporting; association funds; recalls.
720.3032 - Notice of association information; preservation from Marketable Record Title Act.
720.3033 - Officers and directors.
720.3035 - Architectural control covenants; parcel owner improvements; rights and privileges.
720.304 - Right of owners to peaceably assemble; display of flag; SLAPP suits prohibited.
720.305 - Obligations of members; remedies at law or in equity; levy of fines and suspension of use rights.
720.3053 - Failure to fill vacancies on board of directors sufficient to constitute a quorum; appointment of receiver upon petition of member.
720.3055 - Contracts for products and services; in writing; bids; exceptions.
720.306 - Meetings of members; voting and election procedures; amendments.
720.307 - Transition of association control in a community.
720.3075 - Prohibited clauses in association documents.
720.308 - Assessments and charges.
720.3085 - Payment for assessments; lien claims.
720.30851 - Estoppel certificates.
720.3086 - Financial report.
720.309 - Agreements entered into by the association.
720.31 - Recreational leaseholds; right to acquire; escalation clauses.
720.311 - Dispute resolution.
720.312 - Declaration of covenants; survival after tax deed or foreclosure.
720.313 - Receivership notification.
720.315 - Passage of special assessments.
720.316 - Association emergency powers.
720.317 - Electronic voting.