Beginning December 31, 2018, and on an annual basis thereafter, the Office of Human Rights shall submit a report to the Council of the District of Columbia that includes:
(1) The number of complaints filed pursuant to this chapter during the reporting period;
(2) The number of investigations that the Office of Human Rights has conducted during the reporting period and the disposition of every complaint and investigation;
(3) The business characteristics of the housing providers against whom complaints were filed during the reporting period, including:
(A) The number of rental properties that the housing provider owns; and
(B) The number of rental units in each housing accommodation that the housing provider owns.
(Apr. 7, 2017, D.C. Law 21-259, § 7, 64 DCR 2070.)
Section 7031 of D.C. Law 22-33 repealed § 11 of D.C. Law 21-259. Therefore the creation of this section by D.C. Law 21-259 has been implemented.
Applicability of D.C. Law 21-259: § 11 of D.C. Law 21-259 provided that the creation of this section by § 7 of D.C. Law 21-259 is subject to the inclusion of the law’s fiscal effect in an approved budget and financial plan. Therefore that amendment has not been implemented.
For temporary (90 days) repeal of § 11 of D.C. Law 21-259, see § 7031 of Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Support Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2017 (D.C. Act 22-167, Oct. 24, 2017, 64 DCR 10802).
For temporary (90 days) repeal of § 11 of D.C. Law 21-259, see § 7031 of Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Support Emergency Act of 2017 (D.C. Act 22-104, July 20, 2017, 64 DCR 7032).