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U.S. State Codes
Title 38 - Educational Inst...
Chapter 18 - District of Co...
Subchapter VI - Partnerships with Business.
Subchapter VI - Partnerships with Business.
§ 38–1806.01. Purpose.
§ 38–1806.02. Duties of the Superintendent of the District of Columbia public schools.
§ 38–1806.03. Eligibility criteria for private, nonprofit corporation.
§ 38–1806.04. Duties of the private, nonprofit corporation.
§ 38–1806.05. Matching funds.
§ 38–1806.06. Report.
§ 38–1806.07. Jobs for D.C. Graduates Program.
§ 38–1806.08. Authorization of appropriations.
§ 38–1806.09. Termination of federal support; sense of the Congress relating to continuation of activities.