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U.S. State Codes
Title 28 - Commercial Instr...
Subtitle I - Uniform Commer...
Article 9 - Secured Transac...
Part VIII - Transition Provisions for 2012 Amen...
Part VIII - Transition Provisions for 2012 Amendments.
§ 28:9-801. Definitions.
§ 28:9-802. Savings clause.
§ 28:9-803. Security interest perfected before applicability date.
§ 28:9-804. Security interest unperfected before applicability date.
§ 28:9-805. Effectiveness of action taken before applicability date.
§ 28:9-806. When initial financing statement suffices to continue effectiveness of financing statement.
§ 28:9-807. Amendment of pre-effective-date financing statement.
§ 28:9-808. Person entitled to file initial financing statement or continuation statement.
§ 28:9-809. Priority.