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U.S. State Codes
Title 25 - Alcoholic Bevera...
Chapter 8 - Enforcement, In...
Subchapter II - Revocation, Suspension, and Civ...
Subchapter II - Revocation, Suspension, and Civil Penalties.
§ 25–821. Revocation or suspension — General provisions.
§ 25–822. Mandatory revocation.
§ 25–823. Prompt notice of investigative reports.
§ 25–824. Revocation when wholesale or retail licensee is subject to undue influence by manufacturer.
§ 25–825. Revocation when retail licensee is subject to undue interest by wholesaler.
§ 25-825.01. Cancellation when licensee has been evicted from the licensed premises.
§ 25–826. Summary revocation or suspension.
§ 25–827. Request for suspension or revocation of license by Chief of Police.
§ 25–828. Notice of suspension or revocation.
§ 25–829. Cease and desist orders.
§ 25–830. Civil penalties.
§ 25–831. Penalty for violation where no specific penalty provided; additional penalty for failure to perform certain required acts.
§ 25–832. Prompt notice of investigative reports.
§ 25–833. Tampering or refilling bottles.
§ 25–834. Powdered alcohol.
§ 25–835. Forged licenses.