(a) Legislative intent. — It is the intent of the General Assembly that the preservation easements purchased under this subchapter be held by the Foundation for as long as profitable farming is feasible on the land subject to the easement but at a minimum for the period specified hereinafter. A preservation easement may be terminated only in the manner and at the time specified in this section.
(b) Request for review. — At any time after 25 years from the date of acquisition of a preservation easement, the owner may request that the easement be reviewed for possible termination of the easement.
(c) Inquiry and decision. — Upon a request for review of an easement for termination, an inquiry shall be conducted by the Foundation to determine the feasibility of profitable farming on the subject land. The inquiry shall be concluded and a decision reached by the Foundation within 180 days after the request for termination, and shall include:
(1) On-site inspection of the subject land; and
(2) A public hearing conducted by the Foundation within the county containing the subject land after adequate public notice; and
(3) A review of the subject land under the LESA scoring system; and
(4) Approval of termination by the Board of Trustees of the Foundation.
(d) Repurchase by owner. — If the request for termination is approved, an appraisal of the subject land shall be ordered by the Foundation at the expense of the owner requesting termination of the easement. Within a period of 180 days following the appraisal, the owner may repurchase the easement by paying to the Foundation the difference between the fair market value and the agricultural value of the subject land, as determined by the appraisal, but in no event shall the repurchase price be less than the amount paid by the Foundation for acquisition of the preservation easement. In addition, the owner shall also pay to the Fund an amount equal to any tax benefit realized under § 918 of this title. For purposes of this subsection, the term agricultural value shall also mean the price as of the valuation date which a buyer, willing but not obligated to buy, would pay for a farm unit with land comparable in quality and composition to the property being appraised, but located in the nearest location where profitable farming is feasible. For purposes of this paragraph, the term fair market value shall mean the price as of the valuation date which a buyer, willing but not obligated to buy, would pay for the land at its best and most beneficial use under any obtainable development zoning category.
(e) Subsequent request for termination after denial or failure to repurchase. — If the request for termination is denied, or if the owner fails to repurchase the easement within 180 days of the appraisal, the owner may not again request termination of the easement until 5 years after his last such request.
68 Del. Laws, c. 118, § 2.