Bylaws shall, within the limits of this chapter, prescribe:
(1) The time, place and manner of calling and holding meetings. Meetings of stockholders may be held (a) by a meeting at large at such place as may be designated by the bylaws or action of the board of directors, or (b) by a meeting of delegates elected to represent the stockholders by the respective local or district organizations in such manner as may be provided by the bylaws, or (c) by district or local meetings held in the several districts or locals into which the association has divided itself. Meetings in districts or locals shall be of stockholder members of such districts or locals and need not necessarily be held at the same time in each district or local. The bylaws may provide that the board of directors may take a vote of the stockholders on a specific case or resolution by mail signed or unsigned ballot;
(2) The number of directors; the time and manner of their nomination, election and removal, their powers and duties; the number, not less than a majority, necessary to the exercise of their powers; and the method of fixing their compensation, if any. The board of directors may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the whole board, delegate 2 or more of its number to constitute an executive committee, which, to the extent provided in such resolution, shall have and exercise the authority of the board of directors in the management of the corporation. The bylaws may provide a system for the nomination of directors by a representative body or council, or otherwise, and for their election, either at large or by districts, by votes cast by stockholders in district or local organizations with the return of the votes to the central office for tabulation;
(3) The officers, their terms of office, the time and manner of their appointment, their powers and duties, and the method of fixing their compensation, if any;
(4) Regulations governing the sale, transfer and redemption of common stock;
(5) Any other provisions deemed proper and necessary to carry out the purposes for which the association was formed, including provisions, if deemed advisable, for the creation of a representative body or council, which, among other powers, may be granted power to hear and determine charges against any member of the board of directors, and power to remove any director where such charges are sustained. The vacancy which may thus be created shall be filled as in other cases. A representative body or council, if created, shall have, in addition to the powers provided by this chapter, such other powers as are provided by the bylaws, which by the bylaws may be made advisory only;
(6) The method or methods by which the bylaws may, from time to time, be adopted, altered, amended or repealed. The authority to make, alter, amend or repeal bylaws may be expressly vested by the bylaws in the board of directors or in a representative body or council, subject to the power of the representative body or council to change or repeal bylaws made by the board of directors, and subject to the power of the stockholders to change or repeal bylaws made by either the directors or the representative body or council. Notice of all amendments proposed by the stockholders, the representative body or council, or the directors shall be given either to the stockholders individually or by publication in such regularly published paper or periodical, if any, as shall be established by the association and distributed to stockholders.
41 Del. Laws, c. 132, § 11; 3 Del. C. 1953, § 8510.