(a) In the event any person, juvenile or adult is committed to a prison or correctional institution, and in the event a court of this State has not ordered payment of the full cost of care, the Department may require such payments from such juvenile or adult while on work release or similar programs, as it may deem appropriate, provided that the total payment shall not exceed the actual cost of care while on the work release program.
(b) The Commissioner of the Department shall have the power to promulgate any rules and regulations not contrary to the laws of the State which the Commissioner deems necessary to carry out this section and such rules and regulations shall have the full force and effect of law.
(c) Any court of this State committing a person to the jurisdiction of the Department may, in its discretion, order said person, and such other persons liable for the payment of costs under this section over which the court has jurisdiction, to pay for the cost of care, treatment or both in such amounts as may be fixed by the Department under this chapter.
(d) The “cost of care, treatment or both” per diem for a facility shall be deemed to mean the total disbursements made by or on behalf of such facility during a fiscal year, divided by the number of inmate or patient-days during such fiscal year. Such cost shall be computed based on the experience of the previous fiscal year and the revised rate shall be charged beginning on the first day of the fourth month following the end of said fiscal year. In the event the facility has not been operational during the previous fiscal year, the “cost of care, treatment or both” shall be the amount determined by the Department within the guideline of available appropriations and anticipated inmate or patient-days. In the event a facility provides various services that have substantially different costs, and such different costs may be reasonably identified, the Department may determine the “cost of care, treatment or both” based upon the particular service provided.
(e) The Department, after full investigation of collectibility and/or reasons for nonpayment, shall proceed for the recovery of the moneys owed for such care, treatment or both in an action to be brought in any court of the State in the name of the Department, where such action is deemed justified. The Department of Justice of the State shall represent the Department in such cases and any costs to the State arising from such action shall be paid by the State Treasurer from moneys in the General Fund not otherwise appropriated.
60 Del. Laws, c. 251, § 14; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1.