(a) The State Energy Office shall administer moneys in the Green Energy Fund, in consultation with other offices within Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) and the Division of the Public Advocate, through a program of environmental incentive grants and loans for the development, promotion and support of energy efficiency programs and renewable or alternative energy technology in the State.
(b) The State Energy Office shall establish standards, procedures and regulations governing the administration of the Green Energy Fund which are not inconsistent with this subchapter. Up to 7.5% of the moneys deposited in the Green Energy Fund each year may be used for administration of the Fund, and an additional 2.5% of the moneys may be used for outreach activities including marketing, advertising and workshops.
(c) The goals which shall guide use of the Green Energy Fund include:
(1) Fostering use of energy efficient, renewable and environmentally friendly energy technologies throughout the State in the residential, commercial, industrial, public and agricultural sectors;
(2) Promoting research, development and demonstration projects in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies;
(3) Advocating green public policy initiatives;
(4) Establishing and supporting education and public awareness programs;
(5) Pursuing community outreach programs;
(6) Supporting the development of green industries and generators in the State;
(7) Encouraging the construction, maintenance and operation of green buildings, schools and residential developments; and
(8) Creating market incentives for the pursuit of renewable energy resources by energy providers in the State.
(d) The Green Energy Fund shall be used for programs in Delaware including, but not limited to:
(1) The Green Energy Endowment Program:
a. The Green Energy Endowment Program shall provide cash grants from the Green Energy Fund to customers that have constructed, purchased, leased or who have executed a power purchase agreement for renewable energy technology and have placed such renewable energy technology in service.
b. Any 1 cash grant for any 1 project shall be no more than is necessary to promote deployment of renewable energy technologies. The level of incentive shall be set by the Secretary, in consultation with the Sustainable Energy Utility Oversight Board, and may be amended from time to time to respond to market conditions.
c. Persons eligible for cash grants under the Green Energy Endowment Program shall include:
1. Persons in Delaware receiving services from Conectiv, or its successor, after the adoption of a restructuring plan pursuant to § 1005(a) of Title 26; and
2. Persons in Delaware receiving services from a nonregulated electric supplier which is contributing to the Green Energy Fund.
d. Grants made under the Green Energy Endowment Program shall not exceed 65% of all expenditures from the Green Energy Fund on an annual basis.
e. Funds available for grants under the Green Energy Endowment Program will be allocated into a residential pool and a nonresidential pool on an annual basis. Sixty percent of the funds available for grants under the Green Energy Incentive Program will be allocated to the residential pool and 40% of the funds available for grants under the Green Energy Endowment Program will be allocated to the nonresidential pool.
f. For all new Green Energy Endowment Program applicants who have not, as of July 28, 2010, received a commitment of funding from DNREC, must first, before applying for a grant under this program, conduct a home performance with Energy Star audit, using a Building Performance Institute or equivalent certification program trained professional, and identify cost-effective energy efficiency projects. Newly constructed homes and commercial buildings must receive Energy Star certification or an equivalent third-party green building certification in order to receive funding under this program.
(2) The Technology Demonstration Program:
a. The Technology Demonstration Program shall provide cash grants equal to 25% of the cost of a project which demonstrates the market potential of Renewable Energy Technology in Delaware, with no 1 grant for any 1 project to exceed $200,000.
b. Grants made under the Technology Demonstration Program shall not exceed 25% of all expenditures from the Green Energy Fund on an annual basis.
(3) The Research and Development Programs:
a. Under the Research and Development Programs moneys will be expended from the Green Energy Fund:
1. To support qualifying research and graduate studies in Delaware in energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies; and
2. To provide grants equal to no greater than 35% of the cost of project for the development of a product in Delaware directly related to Renewable Energy Technology, including but not limited to any product improving the engineering of, adapting or developing Renewable Energy Technology either as an independent piece of Renewable Energy Technology or as a component thereof, with no 1 grant for any one project to exceed $250,000.
b. Grants made under the Research and Development Programs, in the aggregate, shall not exceed 10% of all expenditures from the Green Energy Fund on an annual basis.
(4) Solar Energy Curriculum Program. — The Solar Energy Curriculum Program shall provide cash grants from the Green Energy Fund to high schools in Delaware that are Delmarva Power customers and that create a course, or curriculum, that teaches the science, economics, policy, and hands-on installation of solar photovoltaic technology. Grants made under this program shall provide 100% funding for the installation of a solar photovoltaic system to be used as part of the qualifying school’s solar energy curriculum. Total funding may not exceed $10,000 per school for solar equipment only, and shall not prevent the school from participating in the Green Energy Endowment Program. Green Energy Fund dollars committed to such installations shall not exceed $100,000 per year total. The Energy Office shall establish appropriate curriculum eligibility criteria before awarding any such grants.
(5) Unexpended Funds. — Any amount allocated to the Green Energy Endowment Program, the Technology Demonstration Program and the Research and Development Programs and not expended during a particular year shall be considered as part of the Green Energy Fund and available for allocation and expenditure in subsequent years. Provided the Controller General approves, annual funds collected and unused during 1 fiscal year that have been apportioned to the commercial sector in the Green Energy Endowment Program may be moved for use in the residential sector in following years to allow the Energy Office to satisfy application queues should they develop.
(6) The Secretary may, in the event the Endowment program described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section above is unable to keep pace with demand, indefinitely suspend the Technology Demonstration and Research and Development programs defined in paragraphs (d)(2) and (3) of this section and direct all available funds to the Green Energy Endowment Program until such time as any queue is eliminated and all applicants have received their authorized payment.
(e) Upon a finding by the Secretary, in consultation with the Sustainable Energy Utility Oversight Board, that the incentives provided for renewable energy technologies through the operation of the Delaware Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard as authorized under subchapter III-A, of Chapter 1, of Title 26, are substantially equivalent to or exceed those allowed under this chapter, the Secretary may, providing that all approved applicants receive payments offered under the Green Energy Endowment Program, suspend in part or in full, the Green Energy Endowment Program, the Technology and Demonstration Program and/or the Research and Development Program under paragraphs (d)(1)-(3) of this section and reallocate revenues authorized under § 1014(a) of Title 26 to alternative incentive programs to promote energy efficiency and green building programs, renewable energy loan programs and incentive programs for nonprofit organizations. In the event the Secretary makes such a finding in consultation with the Sustainable Energy Utility Oversight Board, the Secretary shall provide to the Chairs of the House and Senate Energy Committees the Secretary’s rationale for such a finding and a full description of the new program to be implemented.
(f) Incentives provided through the Green Energy Fund shall be exempt from taxation by the State and by the counties and municipalities of the State.
74 Del. Laws, c. 38, § 1; 74 Del. Laws, c. 87, § 3; 74 Del. Laws, c. 415; 75 Del. Laws, c. 160, §§ 2, 3; 76 Del. Laws, c. 166, §§ 2-6; 77 Del. Laws, c. 452, §§ 2-7; 81 Del. Laws, c. 49, § 3; 81 Del. Laws, c. 374, § 26.