(a) Any mortgagee or any assignee of a mortgage under § 2109 of this title that changes its notice address from the address stated in any mortgage or assignment of mortgage must, within 60 days of a change in its notice address, file in the recorder of deeds office in the county in which the mortgage or any assignment has been recorded a statement of mortgagee address change.
(1) The filing of a statement of mortgagee address change is public notice to all parties interested in such mortgage or assignment of mortgage, or the property upon which it is a lien, of the address where the legal holder of such mortgage or assignment of mortgage must receive any notice.
(2) Until such time as a statement of mortgagee address change has been filed, any party having an interest in such mortgage or assignment of mortgage, or the property upon which it is a lien, is fully protected by sending all notices to the legal holder of such mortgage or assignment of mortgage at the notice address provided in the mortgage or the last assignment of record.
(3) A mortgagee is not required to file a separate statement of mortgagee address change for each mortgage recorded in the county or to include each mortgage recorded in the county on a statement of mortgagee address change.
(4) It is unlawful for a mortgagee to fail to file a statement of mortgagee address change as required under this section. A violation of this paragraph (a)(4) is punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 and costs of not more than $1,000.
(5) The Superior Court has jurisdiction over a violation of paragraph (a)(4) of this section.
(b) Each recorder of deeds may promulgate a sample form to be used to file a statement of mortgagee address change.
(c) Each recorder of deeds shall create and maintain a separate index for statements of mortgagee address change. The index must be called the “statement of mortgagee address change index” and must reference the mortgagee who has changed its address and include the mortgagee’s notice address as provided in the statement of mortgagee address change. The index does not need to include reference to each mortgage recorded in the county by the mortgagee who filed a statement of mortgagee address change.
(d) Each recorder of deeds may charge a fee for accepting and recording a statement of mortgagee address change. The fee must reasonably reflect the costs necessary to defray expenses associated with creating and maintaining the statement of mortgagee address change index.
81 Del. Laws, c. 151, § 1; 81 Del. Laws, c. 418, § 1.