(a) An appraisal management company applying for registration may not be owned by a person or have any principal of the company who has had any financial, real estate or mortgage lending industry license or certificate refused, denied, canceled, revoked or voluntarily surrendered in this State or in any other state, unless such license or certificate was subsequently granted or reinstated. This requirement may be waived by appeal and at the discretion of the Council.
(b) Each person that owns an appraisal management company in this State shall:
(1) Submit, at the applicant’s expense, fingerprints and other necessary information in order to obtain the following:
a. A report of the applicant’s entire criminal history record from the State Bureau of Identification or a statement from the State Bureau of Identification that the State Central Repository contains no such information relating to that person.
b. A report of the applicant’s entire federal criminal history record pursuant to the Federal Bureau of Investigation appropriation of Title II of Public Law 92-544 (28 U.S.C. § 534). The State Bureau of Identification shall be the intermediary for purposes of this section and the Council on Real Estate Appraisers shall be the screening point for the receipt of said federal criminal history records.
c. An applicant may not be registered until the applicant’s criminal history reports have been produced. An applicant whose record shows a prior criminal conviction may not be registered by the Council unless a waiver is granted pursuant to § 4008(a)(4) of this title. The State Bureau of Identification may release any subsequent criminal history to the Council.
(2) Certify to the Council that the person has never had any financial, real estate or mortgage lending industry license or certificate refused, denied, canceled, revoked or voluntarily surrendered in this State or in any other state, unless such license or certificate was subsequently granted or reinstated. This requirement may be waived by appeal and at the discretion of the Council.
79 Del. Laws, c. 163, § 2; 82 Del. Laws, c. 88, § 3.