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U.S. State Codes
Title 24 - Professions and ...
Chapter 39. Board of Social Work Examiners
Chapter 39. Board of Social Work Examiners
§ 3901 Objectives of the Board.
§ 3902 Definitions.
§ 3903 License required.
§ 3904 Board of Social Work Examiners — Appointment; composition; qualifications; term of office; suspension or removal; compensation.
§ 3905 Board of Social Work Examiners — Organization; officers; meetings; quorum.
§ 3906 Board of Social Work Examiners — Powers and duties.
§ 3907 Qualifications of applicants; licensure tiers; report to Attorney General; judicial review.
§ 3907A Applicants educated outside of the United States or its territories.
§ 3907B Qualifications of applicant; grandfathering.
§ 3908 Examination.
§ 3909 Reciprocity.
§ 3910 Fees.
§ 3911 Issuance of license; renewal; inactive status.
§ 3912 Continuing education.
§ 3913 Privileged communications.
§ 3914 Complaints.
§ 3915 Grounds for discipline; procedure.
§ 3916 Disciplinary sanctions.
§ 3917 Hearing procedures.
§ 3918 Penalties.
§ 3919 Duty to report conduct that constitutes grounds for discipline or inability to practice.
§ 3920 Telehealth and telemedicine.