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U.S. State Codes
Title 16 - Health and Safety
Chapter 35. Canneries and Other Food Processing...
Chapter 35. Canneries and Other Food Processing Establishments
§ 3501 Supervision of canneries.
§ 3502 Duties of inspection and enforcement.
§ 3503 Issuance of certificate of inspection.
§ 3504 Rules and regulations.
§ 3505 Abstracts of regulations; furnishing and posting.
§ 3506 Entering premises for inspection and enforcement; penalty for refusal.
§ 3507 Enforcement; assistance of sheriffs and constables.
§ 3508 Penalties.
§ 3509 Venue.
§ 3510 Closing factories.
§ 3511 Resisting closing authority; penalties.
§ 3512, 3513 Closing factories; resisting closing authority; penalties [Transferred].