(a) The database maintained by the Department of Transportation to record donor designations shall be known as the “Donate Life Delaware Registry.” The Registry shall include only affirmative donation decisions. Registration by a donor in the Registry shall constitute sufficient authorization to donate organs and tissues for transplantation and therapy.
(b) The Department of Transportation shall provide access by residents of the State to an internet-based interface that promotes organ and tissue donation and enables residents 18 years of age or older who apply for, hold, or seek to renew a Delaware driver’s license or identification card or otherwise have a record in the database to register as donors and have their decisions integrated into the Donate Life Delaware Registry. The form and content of the interface shall be maintained in collaboration with the OPO.
(c) By October 3, 2016, the Department of Transportation shall establish a system which allows individuals who apply for, hold, or seek to renew a Delaware driver’s license or identification card, or otherwise have a record in the database to add their donor designation to the Donate Life Delaware Registry by submitting a form to the Department at no cost to the registrant. The Department of Transportation may also provide the opportunity to individuals who do not otherwise have a record in the database to add a record and the donor designation to the Donate Life Delaware Registry.
(d) Donor designation information entered into the Donate Life Delaware Registry shall supersede prior conflicting information:
(1) Provided to the Donate Life Delaware Registry;
(2) On the individual’s physical driver’s license or identification card;
(3) On an advance health-care directive;
(4) Submitted under § 2711 of this title; or
(5) Submitted under any other statutory provision.
(e) An information technology system adopted by the Department of Transportation or its successor after October 3, 2015, shall continue to accommodate the inclusion of donor designation information into the database and the ongoing operation of the Donate Life Delaware Registry.
80 Del. Laws, c. 182, § 1.